
Cockernee, Pasty munchin bastid.
Been runnin me 200TDi on 50% Tesco's finest for about 1000 miles now. Was meenin ter change the fuel filter after 500 miles but nevva got round to it. Anyways, this morning she was very lumpy on tickover after a cold start and struggled up the hill outside me hoose, so I fort I'd betta crack on and get it done.
What came out of the old filter looked clean enuff but what a difference!
The performance must have been gradually dropping off without me really noticing because after a new filter she's really flying!
So the moral of the story is ... Don't fergit ter change yer filter after starting to run on veg....

Goes better, cheaper to run and smells grrreeaat!:D :D
just changed mine (disco 300) to veg only running 25%, though thought 50% was a bit riskey in cold weather:eek:
but she's running like a dream:D loads of extra power:D less gear changes:rolleyes:
and to top it all she smells like a dinky doughnut van:D
i serviced it about 3 weeks ago did everythig the haynes manual said
but i find she run's fantastic on 25% mix:D
will put more veg oil in 2 moro
can only hope she won't be affected(although i don't think she will but would rather take someone else's advice than jump in blind and fook it up:mad: )
soon be easter:D :D :D :D
i serviced it about 3 weeks ago did everythig the haynes manual said
but i find she run's fantastic on 25% mix:D
will put more veg oil in 2 moro
can only hope she won't be affected(although i don't think she will but would rather take someone else's advice than jump in blind and fook it up:mad: )
soon be easter:D :D :D :D
Try uppin' the veg oil but leave enough room in yer tank to top up with diesel' incase yer not happy;)
Off tae bed, catch ye's the morn;) :D
she runs like a dream:D
so much better than straight diesel
and smells fantastic:D :D :D :D :D
when should i increase mix:confused:
when you feel comfortable with it, as long as she start on the button still on cold morns then up it a bit, i have ran 100% right through the winter, on the coldest mornings i just have to hold the revs for about 30 secs after about 2 cranks or it will die, after that she is fine ;)
p.s am not saying do that but am just saying take thie mix upto what yer feel comfortable with, as you have only just started just keep it a 50% for a bit longer then 70% then 80% and see how you go, when she gets lumpy you know when to back down but cold weather is the only things holding you back.:cool:
Thanks for this Trewy, bin doing 50/50 for about 4000 miles now and recently had a coupla stutters on the (many) hills outta Losty - as it's a fairly old td i thought it was just on the way out as i hadn't connected the two, but had it in the back of my mind that i needed to change the fuel filter after 1000 or so of veg but hadn't got round to it - your fred prompted me to change it yesterday and it's sweeeet as a nut now! Dunno why it only struggled on the hills though?

(actually i suppose as td's go technically it's fairly new - that's like saying the acropolis is a "new" ruin!)
Anyone using Veg25 or 50 in a 1985 Defender 2.5 diesel for extended period of time. I have one of these in my 63 Series 2 109 and would be interested to hear any pro's or con's. Am in the great white north [Canada], so cold weather comments would be appreciated.
fuel starvation?
Definitely, couldn't get through the gunk build up!
Anyone using Veg25 or 50 in a 1985 Defender 2.5 diesel for extended period of time. I have one of these in my 63 Series 2 109 and would be interested to hear any pro's or con's. Am in the great white north [Canada], so cold weather comments would be appreciated.
Yes, runs fine in my 2.5 now i've changed the filter (ran pretty fine before, just the odd stutter!) - admittedly it was only -3c this morning but started first turn easily. The only probs i';ve heard with the 2.5td (and presumably the na is the same) is the lucas pump ain't that great
Tesco's finest new and i'm doing 50/50 but may well up it when it ets a bit warmer! 56p a litre.

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