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politics.co.uk put on their web site

Wednesday, 21 March 2007, London: The chancellor will give the impression today that he is dealing with the “Chelsea tractor” by raising the top band of VED from £210 to £400 over the next two years. On the face of it - a dramatic increase, but the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) says it has 90 different models of 4x4 in its most recent Car Buyers Guide, published last week, and only half are in the top band (the rest are in bands E and F). Also, unlike the other bands, the top band (G) only affects cars under a year old. Two year old cars that would now be classed as band G are still classed as band F so will remain unaffected by the headline change. Less than 1% of cars would be affected by the band G increase.

with most if not all of us in band f (185 g/km or above, (a td5 being 284)) your thoughts please
£1200 is about 2% of the cost of running a top-range 4x4 over 3 years / 60k miles.
Negligible therefore for the rich bastards.
my point was....
why not put your post on an existing road tax/ vehicle excise duty thread rather than starting yet another one.

I also think that your comments were sumwhat inaccurate, as it doesnt show the whole picture...

this is wot i got from the BBC.

As for transport, Mr Brown announced that fuel duty would go up 2p a litre in 2007 and 2008 and 1.8p in 2009 - although this year's increase is to be delayed till October.
The rise in VED for Band G cars - which include not only 4x4s but also some large people carriers and estate cars - was accompanied by a £10 rise for Band F vehicles, the next most polluting cars.
But while the least polluting Band A cars will continue to pay no VED, the next cleanest in Band B will see their rate cut by £15 to £35.
Biofuels, which Mr Brown said helped fulfil the government's obligations on renewable fuels, would have their 20p a litre duty reduction extended to 2010, with the 40p a litre reduction for biogas extended to 2012.
I tend not to read many of these types of post as it makes me so angry, all this so called environment tax that only gives the government more money and has no effect at all on the environment, and as that channel 4 programme demonstrated, climate change is not being caused by humans anyway.

I had a quick look at the figures, a new diesel Freelander 2 would fall into band F where as a new Discovery will be band G. Thankfully my Discovery is an X reg and therefore taxed on engine size so it gets of lightly with a £5 increase to £180. It is bizarre though that an identical Y reg model would be charged £205.
Mine must be free, as i had a look on the V5 and there is no revenue band listed unless it is on the tax disk itself.
Well I was about to give my r reg discovery the boot and buy a boring car but not now I know my tax is the same....it actually makes the older 4x4 more of an attractive proposition to a buyer as you could advertise it in the lower tax band...my friend has a 1.6 kia and he actually pays more to tax it than my apparent gas guzzling 2.5 diesel....what a load of old tosh all this is....

Are tax discs printed on recycled paper? If you're buying a Band G disc I reckon you should get it on high quality non-recycled heavy weight bleached unecofriendly paper for the money. :eek: :D :eek:
I tend not to read many of these types of post as it makes me so angry, all this so called environment tax that only gives the government more money and has no effect at all on the environment, and as that channel 4 programme demonstrated, climate change is not being caused by humans anyway.

Maybe you could create some pollution by blowing up the Houses of Parliament. Come back Guy, all is forgiven :D
ah only posted it cos you sed you wint gonna read any more tax posts.. and ah noo you would!!

You know me better than I do...............and, I am back again reading this post:rolleyes: but this is the last time, definitely, possibly.:D

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