
New Member
Hi there I've just got a freelander when I bought the freelander
It had been turned in to 2wheel drive ,I have got the prop and would
Like to return it back to 4wheel drive,I've read a few reports on the vcu.
I've tried to turn the prop ends with out any joy ,and was wondering
If its sized ,should it Turn freely or not
I don't think you can turn it by hand even when it's healthy. There should be a few tests that come up if you do a search. If you're anywhere near the West Midlands you could also drop Bell Engineering a line, very helpful chaps who'll be able to advise you :).

Thanks for that ,im in Halesowen so it's not to far away ,I need to no if it's ok before I shove it back on ,being new to this 4x wheel stuff I'm lost
And they can also tell if you have any other transmission gremlins at the same time. It's a pretty comprehensive transmission checkup :).
You can test the vcu yerself. Slide the props on it. Then clamp one prop and feed a bar or long screw driver through the other prop. Then put a weight on the end and watch it turn. Then compare results to others.
Do a search on the forums for VCU, you'll find l o a d s of info. I were you I would be asking myself why it's been turned into 2WD, very likely answer is the VCU is knackered and the previous owner has been advised to remove the props to prevent damage to the drive train.

Read this too;

I also really reccomend Bell Engineering, I got a recon VCU fitted and am very happy with them and it!
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You could of course start with a very quick, simple initial test.

Find yourself a large, empty, level, smooth, car park.

Get the car up to a fast walking pace in reverse gear, throw it out of gear, and quickly apply full lock - left or right.

The car should slow slightly and eventually come to a gentle stop.

Repeat applying the opposite lock.

Even a brand new VCU will give some slowing effect but ...................

If the car comes to a stop virtually immediately, or there are grinding sounds, or there is tyre scuff - and /or it really feels like the brakes have been applied - then your VCU is more than likely past it, and needing to be renewed.

Don't treat this test as conclusive - only indicative.

Best not to try it at Tesco on a Saturday afternoon.

Singvogel. :cool:
Look in the FAQ section for tests, test results, how too's and loads of interesting stuff for Gaylanders.

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