I've read all 48 pages of the thread on AG and most of the supposedly witty banter on this thread too. Here goes. This guy is arguing over a matter of principle in so far as LR claim that the VCU 'locks up' in normal operation to provide 4wd. His new motor didn't so he rejected the car, because he felt it wouldn't do what he wanted it to if the VCU didn't 'lock up', and decided to take LR to court accusing them of false advertising. He then alleges that LRs experts perjured themselves by purporting to show 'lock up' in their videos. The Police behaved in a such a manner as to suggest they believed him to be a vexatious litigant and this only further muddied the waters and further fed his obsession.. In my opinion he has a point!! Having said that he is definitely obsessed with this and should have given it up as a lost cause long ago but that is not in his nature......... and so he goes on, unperturbed by being in a minority. Its what he does!
Holy **** - this may roll on as long as the OP's sagas.

The LR video clearly shows the rear wheel spinning - for that to occur the VCU must have "locked up" to some degree as the VCU is between that wheel and the engine. The LR video is also a lot nearer to "normal" off-road use than the OP's ones where he digs holes, builds ramps and puts the front on a trolley.

The OP is is not using the term "lock up" though - he is using the term "wind up" - ie the VCU in Freelander will not create wind-up. These have very different meanings. He also does not know how the VCU works.

So he has gone into court arguing that the Freelander doesn't do something that Land Rover have never claimed it does anyway and doesn't know how it is supposed to work in the first place. I can't see how any judge could side with him.

I started watching the video on his gripes with the police - but gave up because, as with the initial arguments with the vehicle, they aren't based on meaning or fact - just his emotional reactions to things.

So he hasn't proved any points to me. I don't suppose the court could be "caring" to his position - it is a clear "case dismissed and costs awarded". Whether the police could have been more caring and understanding of his emotional state in their dealings with him - I don't know.

I have some sympathy to his mental state - we've all at some point allowed things to spiral out of all original relevance, difference is you normally recognise it happening much (much much much) sooner than this guy and put an end to it!

Edit : My sympathy is limited because he's essentially calling me an idiot for believing the VCU had any role to play in the trashing of my IRD with all the pain, trouble and $$$ that cost me!
Edit : My sympathy is limited because he's essentially calling me an idiot for believing the VCU had any role to play in the trashing of my IRD with all the pain, trouble and $$$ that cost me!

I am quite surprised you have any sympathy at all GG :eek:
The guy is a total fruit cake. - a nut job... I also think he has been a member here for a long time and is posting under an assumed name.:p
I am sure the police where very courteous to him the first 50 times - but after that ........................:rolleyes:
He has no case at all - for any aspect of it. Don't forget - you are only hearing his distorted side - and that is cloud cuckoo stuff....
I really hope he does continue the case. Lawyers need the money....:cool:
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I am quite surprised you have any sympathy at all GG :eek:
The guy is a total fruit cake. - a nut job... I also think he has been a member here for a long time and is posting under an assumed name.:p
I am sure the police where very courteous to him the first 50 times - but after that ........................:rolleyes:
He has no case at all - for any aspect of it. Don't forget - you are only hearing his distorted side - and that is cloud cuckoo stuff....
I really hope he does continue the case. Layers need the money....:cool:

bloody hell its been staring me in the face

get him to do the brexit negotiations :D
bloody hell its been staring me in the face

get him to do the brexit negotiations :D
Hmmm, never thought of that Gary.... I suppose I was actually describing Boris Johnson....

Eeeek !!! - 'kin 'ell ' --- - perhaps it IS Boris Johnson ...:eek:
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I had a round of golf at a really posh course here yesterday - my typical "could do (an awful lot) better" round - but the 1 hole my mate videoed me 'T'ing off on was this 200 yard hole with water right and back, long rough to the left and short with only a small 'fairway' up to the hole and a good 40 yard drop in elevation as well. The 2 in front of us ended up in the water and rough and I'm first up out of our 4. So its set up for failure!

Anyway, I hits this ball - and its a peach - a right screamer - super shot - straight as an arrow and miraculously ends up on the edge of the green.

Super super shot, I'm ecstatic and the video is evidently really good.

However, when I saw how good the shot was, my first reaction, which I verbalised loudly, was "F**K" :)

So my mate has refused to put it up on Facebook and share it with the world cos his Aunty Susan will be offended !!!
We don't believe you ever hit a shot straight on the golf course.

Prove it!
Finally got hold of the video!

Note all the broad Kiwi accents!


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