Well-Known Member
Does anybody have an image of the yellow VCU guard that somebody made? The one that was out of box section, pretty sure it was a member on here who made it...Doobreydog rings a bell maybe?

Done a search on Google (which usually brings everything up on LZ) and on the search button but can't find a pic of that one anywhere. The black angle bar one is no good to me

Cheers chaps
Simon, you should know where to ask about pics of strange Freelander stuff :D

Here you got some from my link's archive :) , Those are DD's idea's





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ok but I really can not see the point of it if you went over a rock it could dent it and push it into the vcu and stop you going any where
The problem I can see with that is the reduction in ground clearance!! The VCU isn't that fragile as to need that massive armour plated protection system. All I can imagine that doing is bending the floor should it hit something solid!! The rubber mounted VCU would likely move out the way should it hit a solid object.
Its not for me, I've been asked for a price to make one, its just to work out what I need
Can you not just do one that covers the complete underside,
then I would only need to get one item..

Does this mean there may be a chance to purchase these soon??!!

You can purchase anything at any time if the price is right for you! I'd make them with a plate on the bottom that kicks up at the front to stop things going between the bits of box section.

Pm me with what youd expect to pay for one of these so I can gauge price
Can you not just do one that covers the complete underside,
then I would only need to get one item..


Problem with that is the shape of the car, I nearly made something similar for a Disco 3 a while ago, a complete underbody skid tray from front to rear, but with the Disco, most things sit inside and above the chassis rails so dead easy to do!
Didn't RealBeale have one on his? Could be wrong.

Not me. Although I was met with hostility when questioning the design as being prone to getting branches etc jamming and causing more damage. Doesn't take a genious to see this will happen. Needs an enclosed design really.

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