i started a thread a month ago about my vcu getting hot, after 50 miles or so it was so hot i could not keep my hand on it. I was also getting a droning noise now ans again. Removed props and drove home another 200 miles and still got the noise.Took it to a fwd independent who checked it out and found brake caliper seized, this was repaired and i also got new tyres. I then thought i would drive for a while to check for noise, after doing about 100 miles all seems good. So thinking do i buy a new vcu while its all off or stick the old one on and see if it was the tyres that made it hot.
????dont think anyone would commit to a definitive answer tbh. from what ive read, depending on age, mileage, i'd check it anyway you feel is fairly indicative of condition or get it changed for peace of mind if you're keeping the car
i started a thread a month ago about my vcu getting hot, after 50 miles or so it was so hot i could not keep my hand on it. I was also getting a droning noise now ans again. Removed props and drove home another 200 miles and still got the noise.Took it to a fwd independent who checked it out and found brake caliper seized, this was repaired and i also got new tyres. I then thought i would drive for a while to check for noise, after doing about 100 miles all seems good. So thinking do i buy a new vcu while its all off or stick the old one on and see if it was the tyres that made it hot.

Test the VCU while it's off the car ;)
There is a video on YouTube put on by Austin at Bell Engineering, showing what you are looking for.
Here's the link.


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