I appreciate it's a lot of hassle to keep moving the props/vcu.
Thanks for the good advice but I am on thin ice with my wife already because she wants the white one out of the yard so it will be a "challenge" to spend another entire weekend on it. And it's probably irrational but I am worried that I will introduce a problem to the grey one which is driving nicely with the prop shaft from the white one and the rebuilt VCU.
The VCU that is in the white one now is the original one and I matched up the marks and surface rust on the brackets and body so I am fairly certain that the whole thing is installed straight.
Before I do what you suggest, I might just roll the dice and order some new bearings and hope that fixes it. Cheapies from eBay are only about $100 each.
Yesterday, the thunking was somewhat less with the VCU from the white one re-installed so perhaps the movement in the bearings was slightly less than with the Td4 VCU. I know, I am probably grasping at straws.

I suspect the propshaft was removed because the IRD is damaged.
The prop shaft and VCU was working in the white one in 4WD before I cannibalised it for the grey one. So I don't think that the IRD in the white one is bad.
I was worried about the grey one because that was the one that I bought with the prop shaft and VCU removed. But again, with the prop shaft from the white one and the VCU from Bell Engineering, the grey one is driving well so its IRD seems OK.
Hi, it might be worth dropping the oil out of the IRD to make sure there are no lumps of metal stuck to the magnetic drain plug but MAKE SURE you remove the FILLER plug BEFORE the drain plug because if you drain the oil first then can't get the filler plug out you won't be able to get any oil back in the IRD. As the filler plugs are made of very soft metal (cheese) & round off easily be sure to use a single hex socket to undo it. The oil should come out clean 'ish' but not silver metallic.

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