
Active Member
Having brought a 2001 td4 fl1 without any history (dont worry it was cheap) I decided I wanted to keep it a while so my main concern was the vcu unit. After trying all the wheel in the air, 5kg test etc, yes it reversed full lock on tickover etc it appeared my vcu was ok. BUT I had my reservations as it felt a bit stiff on full lock when parking etc. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new vcu. What a difference, it now feels like a normal car to park. Moral to this is if you want to keep your fl then change your vcu if you have any doubts, I think of it as changing tyres, dont wait for the wires to show and tyres to pop, change them when they are low, just part of the running costs I guess.
If your wheel was turning with 5kg I wouldn't think the VCU is your problem. Mine was locked solid but she still reversed no problem with full lock on tickover.
Having brought a 2001 td4 fl1 without any history (dont worry it was cheap) I decided I wanted to keep it a while so my main concern was the vcu unit. After trying all the wheel in the air, 5kg test etc, yes it reversed full lock on tickover etc it appeared my vcu was ok. BUT I had my reservations as it felt a bit stiff on full lock when parking etc. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new vcu. What a difference, it now feels like a normal car to park. Moral to this is if you want to keep your fl then change your vcu if you have any doubts, I think of it as changing tyres, dont wait for the wires to show and tyres to pop, change them when they are low, just part of the running costs I guess.

Out of interest where did you buy the VCU from, getting resistance when reversing is normal.
Totally agree, I changed mine as soon as I could afford it (my car had no history either). Just figured it's an unknown, and it could cause major expense if it fails but it's cheaper to change than a clutch so why not.

Mutter, grumble, still had to change the clutch as well...
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My "bargain" was at the expenses of another freelander owner, he brought an 04 td4 with knocking so paid £408 for a new unit (I have the receipt) he fitted it, started the engine and hey presto it was the ird, he removed it without it even leaving the garage and drives itc2wd, but he couldn't return it as it had been fitted. I gave him a couple of hundred quid which in hindsight has proved to be a bargain, like I said, if in doubt I would budget changing them every 60k (I think thats the warranty on a new one)
Note to alibro, my missus can make u a cushion for the naughty step, she has a pattern as she has already made 1 for me :)
Did you fit a new gkn vcu or a reconditioned unit?
The reason I ask, is that I have recently had a reconditioned vcu fitted, and there seems to be quite a bit of resistance when parking using full lock.
It was a new gkn unit from autopost in london, my old vcu would not move with a 4.5kg weight at 1m, I will try and test the new unit over the weekend and post the results
5kg weight on 1.2m bar outside temp 10 deg C, car has run approx 100 miles to settle in new vcu, 45 deg down to horizontal between 1 min 5 secs and 1 min 15 secs. Hope this helps
Having brought a 2001 td4 fl1 without any history (dont worry it was cheap) I decided I wanted to keep it a while so my main concern was the vcu unit. After trying all the wheel in the air, 5kg test etc, yes it reversed full lock on tickover etc it appeared my vcu was ok. BUT I had my reservations as it felt a bit stiff on full lock when parking etc. So I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new vcu. What a difference, it now feels like a normal car to park. Moral to this is if you want to keep your fl then change your vcu if you have any doubts, I think of it as changing tyres, dont wait for the wires to show and tyres to pop, change them when they are low, just part of the running costs I guess.
Most recon vcu's feel looser than a normal vcu as they have less resistance cross them. They're built to have less resistance. Hence why you did the tests and found nothing wrong, but still changed it with a recon only to find the replacement "feels" betterer.

Hopefully posted it on the relevant thread, there are more questions than answers regarding vcu tests!
The answers to the questions are there. The problem is peeps don't want to do the test, or argue down the tests we have. they can't come up with a betterer alternative. Hence why we've been going round in circles for some years. Just look at how many one time posters get a recon vcu and feel the need to come on ere and tell us where/what we should all do/buy.
The answers to the questions are there. The problem is peeps don't want to do the test, or argue down the tests we have. they can't come up with a betterer alternative. Hence why we've been going round in circles for some years. Just look at how many one time posters get a recon vcu and feel the need to come on ere and tell us where/what we should all do/buy.

Totally agree, I do feel that if you dont know the history of a vehicle, then I would replace the vcu for peace of mind as the consequences can be very expensive, my td4 has 150k and no history, so £300 for a new gkn vcu with bearings inc fitting was justified. After reading the tests I would quite happily fit the old vcu on another freelander. This us 1 of the most useful sites available. Big thumbs up for all the help.

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