
New Member
I was trying to drop off the propshaft on my TD4 last night and came up against a problem. The bolts holding the VDU bearings to the underside of the cab are seized solid. Even using an impact hex socket, they just rounded. Managed to get two out (one in each) with a twist grip socket before they shreaded that. :doh:

The bearings are goosed so was thinking of using a dremel to cut the bracket at the slots for the bolts to remove the prop and then tackling the remainder when the was more access.

Worried that I might shear the captive nut though. :confused:

Has anybody else had this problem? If so, how did you solve it.

Before anybody says, a match would work but i still need to be able to drive to work. :D
...... Managed to get two out (one in each) with a twist grip socket before they shreaded that.

What's a twist grip socket?

Do you mean an Irwin Helical cut Bolt/nut remover like this :-


Coz, that's what I would use, and have done with 100% success
If that don't work, then you'll have to weld summat on

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