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I have had problems with loss of power at about 70mph which I thought was solved but is recurring but not as bad as beforesee previous thread "loss of power at 70mph". We have had a new MAF sensor fitted, new turbo and all seemed fine. However the other day I checked the oil level and did not put the dip stick in fully. Drove on the motorway, had loss of power at about 70mph. Eventually stopped the car and found that oil had spewed out of the car and made a right mess. Topped up oil and still had same problem. Called LR Assistance and they reckoned the "engine breather filter" at the back of the engine was blocked. When we got home the oil had obviously spurted out straight away when the engine was cold. Anyway got the filter changed but told by the garage that there was a a "variable nozzle" fault indicated on diagnostics which they cleared. Took the car for a spin and got the power loss at about 70mph again, went straight back to the garage where they found the same "variable nozzle" fault on diagnostics. They are going to speak to a helpline and get back to me. They are not a main dealer but a LR enthusuiastic 4x4 garage who are very nice, friendly and much cheaper than a dealer and want to get to the bottom of this problem. Your views are welcomed and thanks for looking.
Hi the variable nozzle fault is normally down to the turbo and workings refering to the variable blades,there is also a modulating vacuum valve that could cause the same problems right next to turbo,you never know,tiga
I have the same problem!!

52 plate TD4 40000 ish miles regular servicing. Out of warranty by 1 month

Travel every day to work about 30 miles (20 on motorway)

Last week I noticed a drop in speed/power at 70 mph 2500-3000 rpm.

After a short time the speed/power picked up to normal.

Symptom felt like fuel starvation or “governor” holding vehicle back.

As I had run vehicle’s fuel level low and filled up at different than normal fuel station I diagnosed blockage in fuel system.

After changing the filter last night (pig of a job when it’s seized in the holder) the problem was still there so this morning. I looked on the internet and found this forum and low and behold I am not alone ????????????

Now what do I do
Hello All,

Situation still ongoing here for me.

Car started to make a fair bit of smoke(white i think), LR assistance came out and said that a hose was very soft and was collapsing possibly causing a blockage to the engine etc which resulted in the smoke. I think it was the left hose from intercooler. Garage replaced it, smoke has gone so it has improved things but the 70mph loss of power fault remains but not so bad. Garage have got a new valves/actuator in which they will fit next weekend. I will get the exact name for this thing and post it. Anyone with the same problem has all my sympathy amd thanks for anyone looking and posting some advice.
Hello Again,

Fitting a "Valve control pump" on Friday whatever that is and where it exactly goes I am not too sure. Hope this works!!!
Coming to work this morning, I was travelling at less than my usual speed, along the motorway, when I thought I could hear a “sucking” noise from the engine area.:eek:

On turning the radio off and accelerating sure enough I was right, on lifting the pedal it disappeared. While pressing and releasing the pedal it came and went confirming that the engine was indeed making the noise. ;)

On arriving at my work place I lifted the bonnet and felt the large air hose closest to the battery at the front, sure enough it was VERY soft. :)

I have, however, not noticed any smoke from the exhaust, but will check the rest of the hoses with a view to replacing them should they be of fault. ;)

Although this may solve this symptom, I do not think it is the root of the 70 mph problem and continue to believe that TD4’s have a series of small “faults” in this situation. :( Mine now seems to be intermittent, some time running OK, sometimes not!!!!!!. :mad:

Thanks to the weather and slow drivers :cool: my short drive down the Motorway takes 90 mins and at a lot lower speed………….. 4x4 anyday! :) :p :D

I have had this hose split lengthways so you may find it has or is going. I was told it is a common hose to split.

I have had this hose split lengthways so you may find it has or is going. I was told it is a common hose to split.

Travelled home yesterday with the car feeling much quicker and responsive but still the sucking noise……:)

Guess what I found when I got home??????:(

The hose which was soft was now split………:eek:

On my way into work today very sluggish up to 50 mph on the motorway so pulled of and made detour to LR parts dealer.

Sat outside and took top cover off and removed hose while waiting for them to open. :p

I purchased a hose at about a fiver and nice parts man suggested I change a small filter at the rear of the engine which should stop oil entering the system, cost £2.80. should be changed every 12000 miles!

After I had fitted the hose and thought I would just check oil level sure enough it was just below the min mark! So filter will be fitted at home and oil is now topped up.

Travelling the rest of the way to work it felt better but… not had a chance to get up to the dreaded 70 yet will see what its like tonight!
Hello, Hope you get to 70mph plus???

Do you think this filter is the engine breather filter that I talked about in my first post on this thread or is it yet another obscure filter to go in some difficult place.????
If it cost about the same and looks like a petrol fuel filter sitting near the opposite corner to the battery ...... then yes
I have been looking at an old "maintenance check sheet" which mentions " renew vent filter from turbocharger boost control solenoid valve- Td4 Diesel" .
I am now starting to wonder if this was done on the last service as I went to a local garage(on recommendation) but not a LR or 4x4 garage. I wonder if not having this done has affected the turbo and not doing the "engine breathing filter" as previously discussed on this thread resulted in oil gunging up the turbo guts and other parts causing my loss of power when you pump up the speed. Maybe we are getting to the solution at lasr.
Now also changed the longer one (£20) on the O/S of the vehicle as that was soft too. Still no change though!

Anyone any ideas as to how a turbo can be de-gunged? Could this may be the fault?
My experience was that the turbo was knackered in that the "arm" that pushed and changed the blades would not move the full distance it should do. The mechanics showed me the turbo and said it should be able to move to this point when it would only mpove half way. I asked about reconditioning, repairing etc and they said not possible. They thought the fault was inside the turbo. The turbo was oily inside, quite thick black stuff. When the car went in it was making quite a lot of smoke and they reckoned the whole system might be like that. It took a few days for the smoke to die down to an acceptable level but then a drop of oil can make a lot of smoke.

Today I have had the "vacuum control pump" replaced, same fault, they replaced the MAF sensor, same fault. Any idea why "Variable nozzle turbo" fault still comes up. However the car seems nippier etc and we shall see how it performs this weekend. The garage are at a loss now on what to do, anyone with an idea please help!!!

Thanks for looking
glynw said:
I have the same problem!!

52 plate TD4 40000 ish miles regular servicing. Out of warranty by 1 month

Travel every day to work about 30 miles (20 on motorway)

Last week I noticed a drop in speed/power at 70 mph 2500-3000 rpm.

After a short time the speed/power picked up to normal.

Symptom felt like fuel starvation or “governor” holding vehicle back.

As I had run vehicle’s fuel level low and filled up at different than normal fuel station I diagnosed blockage in fuel system.

After changing the filter last night (pig of a job when it’s seized in the holder) the problem was still there so this morning. I looked on the internet and found this forum and low and behold I am not alone ????????????

Now what do I do

have you had any luck resolving the problem as I have the same thing. I have had the air flow meter replaced twice (as they thought the first one was faulty) but it still wont pull past 70 on the motorway !
The answer is NO iI am afraid. See my power loss at 70mph thread, I am wondering if my new turbo was duff which I am told can happen.

Hope I am not clogging this board up, everyone has been helpful and it is my only source of good material. Good luck if you have this problem
Hello, Interesting how the Freelander diagnostic equipment always fails to pick up the cause of this fault. Have had it with mine also. The problem will be down to the valve (STC 4188) about £30 its called Valve Actuator Variable Nozzle Turbo and sits at the back RH side of the engine, easily accessed through the RH wheel arch. Inside the valve is a diaphragm and a tiny vent hole that becomes obstucted preventing the operation. This valve compares boost with fuelling, the engine will be providing boost but the valve will be cutting the fuel making the car feel like its fitted with a limiter.

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