
New Member
My first landrover defender 110 2.5tdonley had for 2 weeks
Has had its back and front windows bricked I'm so ****d and
Now paranoid it will hapen agene dose aney one
Have some millatery aromord glass plese ? I'm so fed up!!!!!!
Plese help :mad:
You can get protectors for the rear window, nowt for the front unless you want to go for the full riot / A Team look
Did not no that thank you may be more than I can do then but back window
Protecter sounds good thank you both
Hope fully it was just a one off couple of ****ed up scrotes. Any other better parking locations for overnight?
Sorry to hear that Bogg :( hopefully it was a one off but know what you mean if it happened once makes you paranoid.
Sorry to ask do you live in a rough area if not might be local pikey hoping your cant afford it and going to get a scrap collection please Notify the police as they will know if this has been happening !!
Sorry to ask do you live in a rough area if not might be local pikey hoping your cant afford it and going to get a scrap collection please Notify the police as they will know if this has been happening !!

Where the fook do yu get your bigotted paranoid delusions from???
Where the fook do yu get your bigotted paranoid delusions from???

A van I put up for sale up the road from me years back front rear windows smashed , wasn't worth fixing phoned local .... In paper whist talking funny how he new where the van was parked !!!! What's the matter guilty conscience .
Perspex (B&Q sell it but might not be thick enough,try google) is cheap, stronger than original glass and good enough for the back windows.

:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi funny as fook B&Q. want bullet proof glass go to a glass company they got them to fit............ Just got to have the money to pay for it
I might just add becuase I'm an intelligent I didn't ring one I rang lots pretends I wasn't too sure where is was and when some one slip up and says the white one well what can I say .. Obviously I didn't use any caus I have the ability to scrap it myself if needed I sold it to a friend for Peanuts as it was not worth keeping for me ok rant over so not bigot experience and as I have a so called collector near us I've seen many an antics for food on ya table !!
Thank you all for your support will have a look at Perspex
And no it's not a rouf area not the best but
All the locals are shocked as nothing has hapend
Like this before Iv literally had her 2 weeks and have had
To pay my insrancnce to do it as it was the chipset option
Till pay day :( iv parked it at my work for sucuraty
Local fire stn ( I'm a fireman ) Thank you all agene
Will be doing somthing to harden her up !!!!
I might just add becuase I'm an intelligent I didn't ring one I rang lots pretends I wasn't too sure where is was and when some one slip up and says the white one well what can I say .. Obviously I didn't use any caus I have the ability to scrap it myself if needed I sold it to a friend for Peanuts as it was not worth keeping for me ok rant over so not bigot experience and as I have a so called collector near us I've seen many an antics for food on ya table !!

Anyone? :confused:
A van I put up for sale up the road from me years back front rear windows smashed , wasn't worth fixing phoned local .... In paper whist talking funny how he new where the van was parked !!!!
well if he ran a breakers he wasn't likely to be a pikey then was he???

What's the matter guilty conscience .
WHY???? :confused:

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