Probably a combination of people having less money and also LEZ's in many towns. Also the price of diesel

The one in Manchester would have rendered any "Commercial" Defender unusable without paying £10 per day. Fortunately it's been put on hold, but for how long?
Looks like you got out just in time.
Part of me still regrets "getting out" and l've had to stay away from the dealer because l know if l went in l would end up buying it back!!

l would love a nice 300tdi Station Wagon and will get one as a second vehicle as soon as l've saved up
Sad Act Khan is a cnut.........
thats said IMO keep it it will bring more smiles to your face than any other vehicle...........
one life, and its only money
Your defender will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no defender :p

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