Ignition on there should be battery voltage across coil with voltmeter, as the car is cranked the ignition amp should switch it as a pulse, if the amp pins have corroded it will not send signal to ECU and no fuel

If ballasted coil then bat voltage only on cranking
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Module either on distributor or more likely on coil plate next to radiator.

They fail in all kinds of odd ways including corrosion to pins.
Ign on 12 volt across coil
Crank with volt meter connected and look for switching

The ecu takes negative switching to tell it to inject fuel

If you have less than 12 volt across coil - check coil rating as should not be ballasted coil.

Put earth on body and coil positive-if you then get 12v it is either bad ignition module or corroded connection
Where can i find the other fuel pump i know there one in the tank n been told theres another somewhere i think this is my problem
Iv been told there is 2 pumps is someone lieing to me iv read about lift pumps but im thinking these are on the tdis
Where can i find the other fuel pump i know there one in the tank n been told theres another somewhere i think this is my problem
Why do you think that? You may just have a clogged fuel filter. Give a listen under the car and have someone turn the key to the run position. You should be able to hear the pump whirring away.

You need to start getting systematic about your approach to this problem and isolate each possible cause. Once you've determined something is working (or not) then you can move to another.

The reason a motor doesn't run is due to a problem with the fuel, spark or air.

And I think a V8 only has one fuel pump, but I have RRCs. A Disco may be different.
this is getting painful-where do you live and I will see if we have someone near
I'm passing through preston on tuesday so if you want a quick hand I can spare a little time on my way back back from manc I'll do what I can

Even though I'm **** with V8's :p
So, it turns over but doesn't fire. Is fuel getting in to the engine? Crank it over a few times then pull a plug. If the plug is wet you have fuel.

If you have fuel it is reasonable to say the coil and ignition amp are doing their thing. Next check for a spark - do the ignition checks I suggested earlier.

If you conclude you have fuel and sparks then try advancing up the ignition timing.

Regarding the fuel pump, as far as I know early Discoveries only have a single fuel pump in the tank, same as RRC.

I may be missing something here but has the alarm had the spider by-pass? might be worth looking in to this?


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