
New Member
Hi guys,

just wondered if theres any common places for oil to leak on my j reg v8 disco? Reason being, ive noticed a few drips and was hoping i can look at well known areas for leaks before i start a more thorough search :D
Oil could be leaking from anywhere, gear box, transfer box, axles, steering or engine just wash the area you suspect with degreaser then have a look it could be a simple thing as the oil filter not screwed up tight and the same with a hose clip. The bad news it could be an oil seal given the problem.
place a bit of news paper under variouse places overnight to give you a better idea of where its comming from also its gonna tell you how much your loosing and easier to identify what kind of oil it is that your loosing.
place a bit of news paper under variouse places overnight to give you a better idea of where its comming from also its gonna tell you how much your loosing and easier to identify what kind of oil it is that your loosing.

Thanks for the advice, the suns shining today so i shall be crawlin under the disco for an inspection :)
found the leak! Was the o-ring on the distributor shaft, had gone all weak and was seeping oil out when engine running!

Discovered new probem, inlet manifold seems to have a air leak on the left bank, so thats me next job new gasket required and a refurb of the distributor while im at it :D
yer an i was finkin that would be that! Well im STILL waiting fur me new inlet manifold gasket, bought it off ebay wit "24-48hr delivery" and im still fookin waiting!

In the meantime ive found a disconnected wire that im paranoid ive knocked off, and discovered my rave Cd's dont cover discos before 1995 :mad:

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