
New Member
Hi Lads,

Hopefully after I tell the story someone in here can point me in the right direction to help me sort this out and get the old girl started.

I've got a 96 V8 Auto which has been running ok until last week. I turned the key and nothing - just a couple of clicks and that was it.
Checked the battery and it was at about 6.4 Volts now I know there's another leccy issue because it keeps blowing a fuse(for rh side & tail lights) but that's been going on since before crimbo - just haven't had enough time and decent weather to get into it. Anyway, I charged the battery back up to 12.9V and refitted it. Turned they key and she made a half hearted go at turning over once then nothing. Just a repeated clicking from somewhere in the engine bay(fast at first then slower with increased attempts at turning the key) - from other posts I've read I guess this could be the starter relay?

I've checked the main earth terminal/point just behind the battery and it looks solid enough.

After a couple of minutes(probably half a dozen goes in all) the battery has gone back down to 9v ish. Is this normal for an ok battery or is it suspect?

Now I'm ok at following instructions to check stuff and half competent with normal leccy but no clue on car leccy and how the bits work so apologies in advance for any stupid questions.

I'd really appreciate any ideas on what to check/do next.

You need a new battery, without doubt!
As you say you've recharged it and it made a half hearted attempt to start and is a 9v again, even under load is shouldn't be 9v so it definatly is the battery!
You need a new battery, without doubt!
As you say you've recharged it and it made a half hearted attempt to start and is a 9v again, even under load is shouldn't be 9v so it definatly is the battery!

Hi mate and thanks for the quick reply. Sorry for the dumb question but am I right in thinking that if the battery was ok and there was some other problem the turn over attempt would sound a lot beefier - if that makes any sense? I know ultimately even with a good battery the charge would drop but just wanted to make sure before shelling out on a new one.
Hi mate and thanks for the quick reply. Sorry for the dumb question but am I right in thinking that if the battery was ok and there was some other problem the turn over attempt would sound a lot beefier - if that makes any sense? I know ultimately even with a good battery the charge would drop but just wanted to make sure before shelling out on a new one.

Yeah if the battery was ok/holding charge it would crank over strongly providing theres no problem with the starter or it's connections.
There is a slight outside chance you may have a faulty starter thats pulling excessive amps and killing the battery and that can be checked with an amp clamp and a recharged battery but from what your discribing and without seeing it I'm 95% sure it's your battery!
Yeah as stchris356 says it's your battery. Had exact prob on my car 3 weeks ago, the cold spell we all had has damaged or killed older batteries off. Hence the clicking noise coming from the engine bay when trying to turn over.
Just to double check! Have you got another car to swap the batteries over to see if it is the culprit. Otherwise you'l never know.
Thanks lads for the extra info. Unfortunately I don't have another similar size battery to swap(only 35Ah on my wife's Insight) so it looks like a new unit. I might be able to borrow a clamp to check the current so I'll see but as you say, probably gonna have to get a new one.
Thanks again guys.
BTW, when I fit the new one I'll post back and let you know.
have you got any jump leads you could get a jump start from your wifes car it should give you enough as long as the donor car is running at about 2000 revs wil then confirm it is your battery that is the problem
Or use a jump pack. Before you buy a new battery take out all the spark plugs, recharge the batt and with spk plugs out try turning it over if it still doesn't go then problem with starter or loom?
Just an update as promised.
Absolutely spot on lads - battery was furked. Bloke in the battery shop tested it with some kind of meter and even though it would charge to 12V the CCA was only 400ish.
New battery in - job's a good un.

Next job is to find out where my earth prob is but that's another one.
Cheers again and all the best.
Much appreciated.
Pleased you have sorted that one.

Which fuse keeps blowing? Depending on which one it could be caused by a trailer socket if you have one.
'Landybandy & Chris' - Thanks for the help guys. I'm glad it was the battery too. Seems so easy now(almost numptyish) when you know it's the battery that was duff. The replacement is slightly taller than the dud so the retaining bracket now won't fit but I can sort that easily enough. Can't complain about the price - £56 inc the VAT(Numax).

Pleased you have sorted that one.

Which fuse keeps blowing? Depending on which one it could be caused by a trailer socket if you have one.

Haven't checked in a while but think it was Number 8(maybe 9) - 10A for rh tail & side lights, & dash. As it happens it does have a double trailer leccy socket fitted. Thanks for the tip Alex. Trouble is trying to get some decent weather and daylight to give it a good seeing to and chase through the wiring. I've only had it about 5 months or so and still getting used to the thrill of stuff not working all of a sudden!:D
Just wanted to post back some info in case others find it useful.

After replacing the battery I started looking into an electrical fault I've had since about Nov ish. I didn't twig at the time but now I realise it started when we had all that bad weather and the disco was covered in ice/snow/crud for a few weeks.

So, after putting the new battery in I thought I'd try and chase this leccy fault. Thanks to a top tip from Alexdon about the tow bar connector I've sorted it(I hope).

I flipped up the covers on the towbar sockets and water ****ed out. Gave the socket a good squirt of WD40 and left it a while. Replaced the blown fuse and gave the lights a go. Tail and side lights seemed good but the indicator for the RH side was going at twice the speed(hazards were OK though). After reading a load of posts on here about poss duff lamps causing this I was ready to strip down the light units and check all the lamps but as luck would have it had to run an errand. Anyway, short story is that after a while the indicator was flashing at normal speed so fingers crossed it's sorted.

After getting the tip from Alex I got under the disco to have a nose around and the towbar leccy seems to be jumpered from the RH loom someplace inside.

Thanks again Alex. I would never have put the two together.
The tow bar connectors are behind the trim just above where you would have seen them going up through the floor.

Glad you're sorted.

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