
New Member
Hi, I have a 3.5 V8 Defender. When switching over to LPG, the engine stalls. It was fine up until I filled up with LPG this weekend, which may well be a coincidence... But I'm not sure. At the moment I am just running it on petrol and it runs smoothly this way.

Any ideas folks?

Many thanks! :)
Does it stall dead or does the tick over get slower and slower??

If it stops dead it could be the petrol shut off circuit has failed and it goes massively rich, running on petrol and LPG.

Or, It could be the LPG solenoid stuck off, so the petrol circuit becomes isolated, but no LPG takes it place.
If its stalling immediatly when switches to LPG then its a solenoid valve fault.
There is a valve on top of the evaporator that fails. Mine failed exactly same as yours and car died whenever system switched over.
Its about an hours work and cost me £90 at the local LPG specialist
You switching over at idle or with some revs on? Our disco stalls if you switch it at idle, we switch it at about 2000rpm and it will run/idle fine.
Hi all, thanks for the advice. If it helps, it only stalls at idle. But if you switch whilst driving along, it will run okay. Thanks, Rich.
Hi guys,

Ive just purchased a dsco v8 on lpg and if idling mine will cut out too! if I am driving with higher revs it will switch over with no problems, however it gives me a good jolt. Is this normal? When selected in auto it runs on petrol for a bit before switching over to gas, but sometimes this can take a good 3 to 4 miles. Maybe we are all in the same boat!
Nope my doesn't switches over seamlessly whether idling or running and switches over in a mile or so of starting.


sounds like you need to set the lpg system up properly, what system is it. does it have an ecu?

mine was a total nightmare untill i read up on how to set it up and changed to a steel filter.

i found the paper filters deteriorate after a backfire and change the mixture.

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