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How much engine oil is ok for a Classic V8 3.5 petrol engine to swallow before a trip to rehab is recommended? I find that I have to top up about 1 litre every 1000 kilometers. But it doesn't blow any smoke and runs fine. Is that a lot or just "normal" for this engine?
RV8's are not known for high oil consumption, even at high mileages. My previous 3.5efi rarely needed oil at 160k & still had good compression readings. More likely a leakage issue.
Has it got worse over a period or have you not had the car long? Check inside the distributor cap too in case it's winding up the spindle and dribbling out.

I know it's a completely different engine but years ago I had a Sierra Cosworth and that was the manufacturer's 'acceptable' oil consumption figure!! Then emission testing came along......... In fairness the car didn't ever use that much.
We got the engine out (with a tractor haul) and replaced all the seals when I bought it a few months ago. Since then took a few long highway trips with virtually no oil loss that seems to have gone up since I started doing bush trips. So maybe something has shaken loose?

My concern is that I am now planning a longer 3000 km trip mostly on rough roads and am not sure if this is a good idea or not with such an old engine even though it has been reconditioned and seems to be running fine apart from the oil loss. Not to mention guzzling more petrol than a camel eats grass that I figure is normal.

My other concern is the carburetors that are likely impossible to replace if they go haywire. Not sure what is the chance of this happening? I am told everything else can be fixed with a bit of wire and a jam tin.

Have the option of replacing the V8 with a 300tdi diesel engine that may be more reliable and use less fuel but not sure if this will be worth the extra investment that would require.

I figure as long as so much oil does not leak out there is none left then the V8 will probably keep going unless I run out of money for petrol :)
Looking into this found a small puddle of oil just behind the fan belt on the front of the engine. One bush mechanic nods his head and tells me this is a minor problem that can easily be fixed by replacing a gasket. Another bush mechanic (who wants to sell me a tdi engine) shakes his head and says this is a clear indication the engine is on the way out and needs to be replaced. Surely they cannot both be right?

I figure as long as so much oil does not leak out there is none left then the V8 will probably keep going

Just had the opportunity to test this theory on a three day safari: despite the oil leak the V8 did keep going with no detectable difference in performance. Just had to top up a little more often than I used to do :)
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Looking into this found a small puddle of oil just behind the fan belt on the front of the engine.

Check oil filter and oil pump and pressure switch then look at front crank seal. If they all look O.K. then possibly you'll be needing to remove timing case and replace gasket but if you remove the timing case I would strongly suggest you also look at replacing timing chain and possibly the cam shaft while the front of the engine is off. Doing the cam will mean stripping the top end though.

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