
New Member
My disco seems to miss slighty on one cylinder....but really only when i'm doing between 60-70mph. It just had a service and I have replaced all the spark plugs and HT leads....any ideas?????
What engine is it, what year? You sure its the engine missing and not something else, a problem in the running gear maybe???
What parts did you get , there a big differnce between , genuine landrover lucas , lucas itself and other makes.

I had lucas stuff all new and it would not run right, tried alot of other makes too then finally got the cash and got genuine landrover lucas stuff from the dealer (via stuart) and now it runs properly at all times, would have been much cheaper and less hassel to go that way in the first place!
also recheck the plugs as they could have wiped copper slip on it and it is shorting out! they could have also drop the plug and the ceramic is rattling up and down the plug!
is the timing right did they do the fuel filter? had a disco and it was full of rusty fuel pipes and had blocked the filter and the fuel rail

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