
Need a five speed box to mate to a 3.9 V8, doesn't need to have a t'fer box as my R380 one will fit

Can also swap the R380 for it if you have a V8 box and are fitting a derv as I cant really be bothered fitting a new shaft onto the R380 and bellhousing to get it to fit…...
Fireblade I'm not bothered of long or short so yeah whatever you have let me know :) same for you Ben

200 could possibly use an auto, how much ?
Dr Evil, is the auto you are looking at for the V8 or 200 diesel, coz they are different ratio's. i have a V8 autobox in the workshop, out and on a trolley.
I'd prefer a manual Dave, its to mate onto that 3.9 of yours.

Was going to use the 3.5 clutch parts and convert it back to manual ideally, I've got a diesel box atm and I know first and fifth are different but the rest are the same an auto would be last case as I'm not a fan of them for normal driving

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