
Active Member
not sure if anyone is in the Swindon area? I'm looking to pay someone £500 to swap a 200tdi to a V8 and gearbox/transfer swap - all parts supplied and no big rush (within a month or so)

I would swap it myself but so busy any time off i get, i don't want to be under a landy!
Its not a hard swap, probably a day if you have all the bits to hand.

Front end off (13mm 1/4" socket on a long extension for wings)
Slam panel is 13mm socket and spanner
Unplug loom from lights and earth and whip it all off
Bonnet unhinges
Engine/box mounts 17mm (I think)
Remove tunnel, sticks and seat box
Drain engine via plug in rear and drop oils
Remove rad/cooler setup
Unhook fuel lines
Unhook alternator, starter wiring etc
Remove engine

Fit new box first, transfer box is the same and tighten nuts halfway
Mounts may need adjusting if you want to use R380 in which case I do have a gearbox crossmember here for that just redrill a couple of holes I think
Line clutch up on engine
Fit fork to the box and swap slaves

Cut off old engine mounts
Bolt new mounts to engine
Drop into place and mate to box
Weld mounts to chassis in situ so its all lined up on the box

Hook up wiring if EFI its about 5 wires more for the ECU and MAF
Hook up rad (you'll want SD1 or RRC)
Hook up fuel lines
Bolt on the front end

Thats more or less it
if it's anything like putting the 200 in there, I know about the cafuffel! can i use my 200 radiator?

again it's not really the job that i care about, its the time and I no longer have a workshop so it's travelling to a friends place to do it, hoping someone isn't using his ramp or hoist, and then i wont have some fuel line or something stupid like that and the shops will be shut - too much hassle but I guess it might have to happen if i cant find anyone!
No you need a V8 rad

You can leave it on my drive and I'll do it :p but it's 3 hours north

Easy enough job if everything's there as a plug and play lump.
Hello mate I'm in Swindon and could possibly do this for you, would beat being stuck under a lorry all day

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