
Hi guys, I have just bought myself a 2002 Discovery V8 and given the Land Rovers I normally play with this is very modern. I was wondering if I could perhaps ask a couple of questions about noises I am hearing. When I start the vehicle up I get a noise for about 45 seconds from the engine bay that sounds like a pump of some kind. The seller did tell me it was normal but I would like confirmation of this! The vehicle has 65k and has a lot of reciepts and has been very well looked after so I trusted him. From inside it sounds like it is coming from behind the passenger side dash. I dont know if the air con or Active cornering could be responsible as this is very new for me. Once the noise cuts out the engine sounds very nice and drives faultless.

The second question is a little bit more vague, I just wondered if it was a common fault and save myself a little bit of time. I clearly have a pully or tensioner worn and making noise, but it only happens when I lift off. I cant hear it in the car with the windows up but with them down and when I lift off it starts to whistle. I wondered perhaps if it might be an Alternator pulley or the tensioner? I think that I might have to pop the belt off and just give each one a spin to try and locate it.

Finally could anyone recommend a workshop manual or something downloadable. I see the Haynes manual does not cover the v8.

Thanks very much for your help!
It's the secondary air. If it's very noisy then might have a pipe split or the vacuum pump just not connected.

Get RAVE manual for the V8. Haynes TD5 can still be useful for quick reference of torque values etc.

It can produce a whole orchestra of funny noises that aren't necessarily what they first sound like.

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