
New Member

I have a rover 3.9 efi v8 out of a 92 range rover classic. The thing is in my racer, and the other day I damaged the exhaust silencer so I decided to change it for a spare 3.9 v8 disco silencer. I did this and it initially went well. It smoked a bit more then usual though and after a while I noticed it was spraying what looked like oil out the back. Then the engine died, and would not restart, it sounded like only one or 2 were trying to fire. I took the exhaust off, it made no difference.
I then changed the rotor arm, distributor cap, ignition amplifier and ht leads for new genuine land rover parts, after fiddling with the distributor for a while I got it to run (without the exhaust on). So I put the exhaust back on and it did not run again. Although this time it did not even try to start, it was straight back to the initial attempts, just firing very rarely. I took the exhaust off again and it made no difference. Can anyone please shed some light on this?

Are you running it with cats? If so, maybe you have upset a connection at a Lambda sensor?

no cats. Just down pipes and silencer. it ran well with the previous silencer, could it have upset anything due to back pressure? or could it be electrical?

Oak Richardson
Yeah I agree, it's completely unrelated, they will run with anything on.

Get it running again (which isn't easy cos they love to flood themselves) and plonk the silencer on whilst it's running. If it does then it's just too bizarre!

got it running again with the exhaust on. the thing was flooded, so I took the plugs out and dried them and it ran again.

But then it kept flooding. I thought i fixed it after a while by adjusting the timing, but the then it failed again after a while. This time even without the fuel pump on it just floods and floods and floods and wont even fire. the injectors are all seemingly stuck open. I have had a few people look at it and they said the ecu may be at fault, but could something else be causing this?
Well if there's constant earth to the injectors (ECU switches earth) then yes you probably have an ECU fault.

There is no other component that could cause that same issue, unless you have a wiring problem, but that is unlikely for both injector circuits.
A faulty 14cux ecu is a rare thing, it canny be a coinkydink that it happened after you took the exhaust off. Something must have been knocked. The ecu gets its injection pulse signal from the negative side of the ignition coil from the amplifier on the dizzy. Seeing as you seem to get abit of life out of it everytime you fiddle with something dizzy/ignition based i'd look at the wiring and pick up in the dizzy.

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