
New Member
On the face of it this combination should go together with a little jiggery pokery.

What about driveshaft lengths, does anyone know if the shaft lengths are different? At present have the LT95 4 speed box.

Has anyone performed this fitment and if so do you have any advice

Gratefully received of course
For the R380 to fit you will need to move the big transmission tube welded between your chassis rails. Grind it off, fit R380 and then reposition and weld into place. Rear prop is about 2" longer than on LT boxes, but I think the front one is the same (need to check part numbers), hang on...

Nope, front prop is different for Diesels, but as you have a V8, from 1994 onwards the diesels used the V8 prop that was fitted from 1985 onwards. So just a new rear prop required I believe.
Thanks for the information.

The box comes from a Discovery, knowing my luck it will have been a diesel so I'm guessing that I will need a RR or Disco V8 bell housing

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