Well got it stripped down now.
Chassis repairs first.

New cross member and repairs to a hole under gearbox mounting.
Somebody's got a new crossmember I see. Is that the rusty one or the one that's been on fire? Or are you intending to make one good vehicle out of the two?
Somebody's got a new crossmember I see. Is that the rusty one or the one that's been on fire? Or are you intending to make one good vehicle out of the two?
This is the one that was on fire.
The 110 is just for parts trim etc.
Looks nice and shiny. I'm looking forward to seeing it all go back together.
Waxoyl next!
Going to fit 3.9 as I have one sitting in garage.
Got to strip it though check cam!
Think Ive got most of the body panels sorted still need a ribbed roof.

Well its done and possibly the worst build thread ever.
Passed M.O.T
Got few problems steerings awful 6 bolt box and its stiff non centering.
And brakes are crap??
And transfer box is sloppy i had lt85 rebuilt by ashcroft so thats spot on.
Going get it on axle stands today and try sort steering brakes first.

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