In my opinion...

Fan blurry tastic. But then again, i quite like it loud.

Depends on if you wanna pose with the noise as well as enjoy it, or if you wanna *creep* places in it.
In fact... if you listen hard enough while revving it you can actually hear the SLLUURRPPP... as it draws ALL your fuel in!
In my opinion...

Fan blurry tastic. But then again, i quite like it loud.

Depends on if you wanna pose with the noise as well as enjoy it, or if you wanna *creep* places in it.
OOOWWWAAAHHH luverly, I didn't spend my cash in vain then.
Got two k+n type filters from JTF and they fit a treat and look the part and are bling if you know what I mean.
Eight pound odd each + vat and I'm well pleased, just can't start it yet as the floor and seat boxes are out together with the battery so It'll be next week before I can fire it up.
Somebody is bound to say they are pants but they look and feel like the real thing and at twenty quid for the pair I'm willing to chance it .:D
I'll oil them up well and try and get a cold air feed to 'em.:cool:
Some nice sounding motors on there , Britpart one on the forest tracks for instance.
Have you any experience with exhaust systems, I want to put my single box near the back instead of in the middle, any thoughts on whether better or not. At the moment sounds nice at low revs and very nice at higher revs, just a pity the exhaust exits at the back nearside as you only get the benefit when following the Landy:D
Twin pipes, taking the shortest straightest route from manifold to air :D

Works very well on a mini, heard a 110 V8 with it too, sounded Extreeeemely nice in my opinion!

If you arn't careful with routing it could comprimise off roadability, but no reason why it must.

If you put a larger/straighter/louder exhaust on, be prepared to get the carbs reset, as this will mean you need more air and different fuelling or it will run a bit badly.

However... There is no reason why its not possible - can give good power boosts, especially on a petrol.

Contact RPi engineering
"RPi Engineering - Specialised Rover Engines"

They made this
(Was on here before, verrry nice!)
YouTube - Land Rover 110 Pick Up 0-60 run EFi 4.6 stage 3 V8

And this!
YouTube - Land Rover 110 Pick Up 0-60 run EFi 4.6 stage 3 V8

All based on 3.5 rover V8's
You can use some "cherry bomb" pipes which are cheap but sound great.
They come in all sizes and pipe diameters and are street legal.
Probably cost about £40 for a pair.
Just do a google search and you should find a local supplier
You can use some "cherry bomb" pipes which are cheap but sound great.
They come in all sizes and pipe diameters and are street legal.
Probably cost about £40 for a pair.
Just do a google search and you should find a local supplier
Got a 12" cherry bomb on my 2.8 TD and it's QUIET !
But on a petrol it would be nice, what size would you recomend as in length if using one instead of splitting the pipes.
Found them on fleabay a while ago and they are cheap and last a long long time.:)

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