
Hi, can anyone tell me what this part actually does?

It's connected to the bottom of the one of dual carbs. The carb every so often leaks some fuel into the pipe. The other end goes to one of the exhaust manifolds with so closed off pipes. My guess it that it evaporates some of the unspent fuel into the intake. It also regulates air temperature into the carbs?

I've always heard its better to have cold air into the engine, but that would leave the problem of the unspent fuel leaking from the bottom of the carb.
post some pics sometimes its clearer than words...the only pipe from a carb on a v8 that i know of is a return to the tank...never heard of it connected to an exhaust manifold...
Thanks, I thought there was a connection between air intake (detox engine version) that I have (1983 One Ten V8 3.5) and the fuel that sometimes leaks from the carb. I have one of these on front of my engine. Its called a fuel trap. I suspect that this is where the fuel goes. I just don't know where the fuel trap runs to.


My engine is nearly identical to the one in this video. You can see a clear pipe running from the bottom of the carb to the fuel trap. I don't know where it goes after that.
The 2nd link was not a video, same link as first.

I have a 3.5 V8 and I do not have this part (maybe I should!), interested to find out more.

Mine is a few years newer - 91
Sorry about that. Here's the video.
As you can see, there's a clear pipe running from the bottom of one of the carbs.

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