
Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I wanted to get some feedback from all you knowledgeable people.
I brought my disco 2 from a guy last week, hes a car dealer of sorts (buys and sells cars from home). CB9CARECARE.CO.UK
When I brought it he had just MOTed it, came with a few advisories mainly corrosion (as expected on this age motor) put it did pass. One of the advisories was new tyres all round.
I went to my local formula one auto centre yesterday to have all new tyres on and ask if they would give it a once over while they had it.
The guy in the garage said there was no way it should have passed an MOT with the 'corrosion' it has in the areas it does... Front wheel arch/floor (egg sized whole) near the 'front strut' and the rear leg has been caked in thick black stuff covering a large amount of 'corrosion'.
After this info I started looking for someone who could repair or replace the rear quarter and weld the front hole... but my concern is 'its not safe'?
I appreciate that some garages are more 'picky' than others with regards to MOT but I don't see what my garage has to gain from saying how bad it is, given they said they wouldn't be able to do any repair work (nor do they know anyone who they recommend). Am I worrying too much? I brought this to tow my caravan but given what my garage have said I dont think I should? Any feedback would be good. thanks.
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Might be worth getting in touch with VOSA with your concerns or even having it MOT'd at another garage
Might be a massive disappointment to you if its in really bad condition but safety first and you may have some redress with the seller
Hi guys, I wanted to get some feedback from all you knowledgeable people.
I brought my disco 2 from a guy last week, hes a car dealer of sorts (buys and sells cars from home).
When I brought it he had just MOTed it, came with a few advisories mainly corrosion (as expected on this age motor) put it did pass. One of the advisories was new tyres all round.
I went to my local formula one auto centre yesterday to have all new tyres on and ask if they would give it a once over while they had it.
The guy in the garage said there was no way it should have passed an MOT with the 'corrosion' it has in the areas it does... Front wheel arch/floor (egg sized whole) near the 'front strut' and the rear leg has been caked in thick black stuff covering a large amount of 'corrosion'.
After this info I started looking for someone who could repair or replace the rear quarter and weld the front hole... but my concern is 'its not safe'?
I appreciate that some garages are more 'picky' than others with regards to MOT but I don't see what my garage has to gain from saying how bad it is, given they said they wouldn't be able to do any repair work (nor do they know anyone who they recommend). Am I worrying too much? I brought this to tow my caravan but given what my garage have said I dont think I should? Any feedback would be good. thanks.
Depending on how much you paid for it I'd be driving it back....
Like you said garages opinions do differ, but the people who really matter are the ones who specialize in these kind of repairs. If it was me, I would not tow anything pending the outcome from a repairer. If the tire place don't do repairs of this nature and can't recommend anyone, who's to say it's their professional opinion. You don't take a laptop to Asda for specialist advice. Just because they sell them, it doesn't mean that they have the relevant knowledge. All good garages always have a little black book containing lists of specialists in the respective fields.

I would definitely get it checked out for peace of mind, and wouldn't tow anything for now but wouldn't worry too much at this stage. Although I do agree, it's very, very unlikely it should have passed with holes and corrosion like that.
I paid £1500 for it, clearly I didnt expect to get a 'mint condition' 18 year old landy and I had done a bit of research on this site before hand (re issues etc). All in all I wasnt overly bothered about its condition given that it had a new MOT I assumed it would at least be 'safe' to use and I was happy to get the leaky roof, leaky steering box (and the million other niggles sorted).
I have just this minute contacted the seller and await his response.
Like you said garages opinions do differ, but the people who really matter are the ones who specialize in these kind of repairs. If it was me, I would not tow anything pending the outcome from a repairer. If the tire place don't do repairs of this nature and can't recommend anyone, who's to say it's their professional opinion. You don't take a laptop to Asda for specialist advice. Just because they sell them, it doesn't mean that they have the relevant knowledge. All good garages always have a little black book containing lists of specialists in the respective fields.

I would definitely get it checked out for peace of mind, and wouldn't tow anything for now but wouldn't worry too much at this stage. Although I do agree, it's very, very unlikely it should have passed with holes and corrosion like that.

Thanks Andie1989, I appreciate what you are saying but (unbeknown to me at the time) the guy who was looking at it (probably in his late 60s) used to work for land rover and has been stripping and rebuilding these beasts since he was knee high! apparently he owns 15 landys of various guises. Think thats what made me worry more! lol
I would definitely get it checked out for peace of mind, and wouldn't tow anything for now but wouldn't worry too much at this stage.

Have to disagree - this could result in having to scrap the motor due to costs, very quickly when you start poking around the chassis especially the rear but not limited to that area can be swiss cheese. It sounds like someone has attempted to cover up a rot box and flog it on.
I'm not too sure about some places. My parents gave a family friend a small cheap run around car that had been used previously for a couple of years or so by a member of our family. It had been MOT'd about 6 months prior (at the absolute maximum). Driving around a corner something sheared, i'm not sure what has as i didn't get a proper description and wasn't there. According to the guy from Boarhunt, the corrossion on whatever major part that sheared was to blame and it shouldn't have passed the previous MOT. I think some garages may overlook serious faults, be it accidental or not, not ****ing good tbh.
Thanks Andie1989, I appreciate what you are saying but (unbeknown to me at the time) the guy who was looking at it (probably in his late 60s) used to work for land rover and has been stripping and rebuilding these beasts since he was knee high! apparently he owns 15 landys of various guises. Think thats what made me worry more! lol
Yeah I can see where you are coming from now. I suppose you could check the MOT online but if it has been passed through a dodgy garage it will come up naught. Is there anyway you could get someone to look at, maybe draw up a report and take that and your landy back to the seller? I wouldn't be happy if I had bought it, as you're going to have to spend more money to get it road worthy defeating the whole object of your purchase.
Okay, so the seller has returned with a text:
"Not having been under it myself. I towed it with no issue at all. If it was dangerous it would never have been passed. Difficult as I do not know the person in question. I will speak to the MOT station and get back to you."

A few minutes later, another text...
"I have spoken with them and he did confirm corrosion was present but although there it meets the pressure test which governs the mot rules. I think the thing is with corrosion if you want to hit it hard enough with a hammer it will go through, but thats not realistic. As an advisory its worth keeping an eye on accept the work will need doing in the future is my understanding".

Have to disagree - this could result in having to scrap the motor due to costs, very quickly when you start poking around the chassis especially the rear but not limited to that area can be swiss cheese. It sounds like someone has attempted to cover up a rot box and flog it on.

This is my fear!
Hi guys, I wanted to get some feedback from all you knowledgeable people.
I brought my disco 2 from a guy last week, hes a car dealer of sorts (buys and sells cars from home).
When I brought it he had just MOTed it, came with a few advisories mainly corrosion (as expected on this age motor) put it did pass. One of the advisories was new tyres all round.
I went to my local formula one auto centre yesterday to have all new tyres on and ask if they would give it a once over while they had it.
The guy in the garage said there was no way it should have passed an MOT with the 'corrosion' it has in the areas it does... Front wheel arch/floor (egg sized whole) near the 'front strut' and the rear leg has been caked in thick black stuff covering a large amount of 'corrosion'.
After this info I started looking for someone who could repair or replace the rear quarter and weld the front hole... but my concern is 'its not safe'?
I appreciate that some garages are more 'picky' than others with regards to MOT but I don't see what my garage has to gain from saying how bad it is, given they said they wouldn't be able to do any repair work (nor do they know anyone who they recommend). Am I worrying too much? I brought this to tow my caravan but given what my garage have said I dont think I should? Any feedback would be good. thanks.
id take it back and get a refund
Have to disagree - this could result in having to scrap the motor due to costs, very quickly when you start poking around the chassis especially the rear but not limited to that area can be swiss cheese. It sounds like someone has attempted to cover up a rot box and flog it on.
agree sounds like a rot box
Thanks for all your comments.
I have had a phone call from the seller to say that he has spoken to the mot garage. The MOT garage has agreed to (without admitting fault) weld up the rear arm and the hole in the foot well.
Thanks for all your comments.
I have had a phone call from the seller to say that he has spoken to the mot garage. The MOT garage has agreed to (without admitting fault) weld up the rear arm and the hole in the foot well.

All good and well, but I would still have someone inspect it prior to that
remember you cant polish a turd
Best to find out what you have got now and bail before getting in too deep
Not what any owner wants to hear but dont be fooled by these guys remember they have tried to fleece you once.

Seems like an admission of guilt if they offering to sort things for nothing and trying to cover their tracks

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