
New Member
To all fellow V6 owners!

Just how loud do your fans get when they spin up and eventually hit full tilt? As I'm getting a bit worried about mine, they hit a noise level comparable to that when you enter the car bay on Condor! Should they really get this loud so quick?
I used to own a cracking V6 Freelander. Story goes my wife made me sell it, that's rubbish though, we thought fuel prices were getting too steep. Got a company car now with a fuel card, it's great. Going on holiday in November with some friends, off to St Lucia again for 2 weeks. Not sure what to do with the parrot though.
Sorry, I'm rambling on.
My V6 cooling fan never used to be that noisy. Have you checked to see if it's rubbing on the fan surrond? You're talking of the radiator fan right? If not, silly me.
The fans in the cockpit were very loud when up to max setting. Find a garage with a Freelander, pretend you want to buy it, listen to the noises, make notes, compare, then decide if it's right or not.
if the fans are on flat out then chances are its overheating, they should only ever run at 1/4 to 1/2 speed

they are very loud though when on full chat

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