
Full Member
now my landy, which I've owned all my adult life, is now on my drive where he belongs, I thought I'd get all his paperwork in order. I'm rubbish with paperwork :(
V5, can't find it!! Looked online, last change date is before I moved into my current home, so it's still registered to previous address :eek: I'm sure I will have posted it off, just forgotten to check it ever arrived back to me.
I can request a new copy, but that gets posted to the address on the V5, which is no use. What other options do I have? It obviously never arrived at DVLA or was never processed.
now my landy, which I've owned all my adult life, is now on my drive where he belongs, I thought I'd get all his paperwork in order. I'm rubbish with paperwork :(
V5, can't find it!! Looked online, last change date is before I moved into my current home, so it's still registered to previous address :eek: I'm sure I will have posted it off, just forgotten to check it ever arrived back to me.
I can request a new copy, but that gets posted to the address on the V5, which is no use. What other options do I have? It obviously never arrived at DVLA or was never processed.

Did you send off the whole thing or just the part for change of address. If you have the other half I am sure you could do something with that as it has the numbers on so can be done online I fink:)

How long ago was this and was it SORNed?

probably sent the whole lot off, i really cant remember, I've been here since 2016!
its been SORN for about 10 year!! OMG time flies :eek:
Are you getting reminders for SORN or do you have the original letter that you did it on.
I would send in an application for a new V5 with present address and see how you get on, the name is the same and you have the numbers off the car to prove(that's sounds dodgey;)) , It may take a few calls and time to follow up.

Are you getting reminders for SORN or do you have the original letter that you did it on.
I would send in an application for a new V5 with present address and see how you get on, the name is the same and you have the numbers off the car to prove(that's sounds dodgey;)) , It may take a few calls and time to follow up.

you dont get reminders now you no longer need to SORN every year :D i know my old address.. which a thief might not know
Took me a year to correct the frame number on the Zed, before i could go get a plate on it here.

I had to change an address (10yrs old) and frame number at the same time but I did at least have the original (photo copied before sent).

things like this really frig me off.. booking/using a days holiday entitlement to spend it on the phone getting nowhere is depressing
especially if at 4.30pm you eventually get through to someone saying you'll have to call back tomorrow

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