
New Member
1. Bought a 300tdi as a project runs perfect it's a 1990 defender 90 and the gentleman told me it was originally a V8 petrol. The log book states it's a diesel and all history back to 1996 says diesel. I know you can change logbooks but does it not have anywhere on v5 to state it's been converted and when it was re registered?

2. With it originally being a petrol they have wired a glowplug heater threw a separate button on the dash and it looks really untidy yet when the ignition is turned on the click on the ignition just before starting the light stil comes on as if it would heat plugs so has anybody got a diagram of a
1990 V8 dash loom and a defender 300tdi dash loom as I'd really like to makes things right and look neat

1. My 110 was originally a V8 and it still states on the V5 that is one. As it is now 300tdi powered it has an engine capacity of 2495 and Heavy Oil.

2. When I did my conversion I used the ignition feed to power ht erun solenoid. The ignition lights still come at the same point on the igniton switch. Have a look in a Haynes manual for the V8 wiring loom. Alternatively get a later blade fuse wiring loom which has the glow plug relay ingetrated.
You don't reregister the vehicle, you simply send the V5 back with amendments and they will amend it.

I bought my 2.5NA 7 years ago but it still had 2.5petrol on the V5, when insured it was just done as petrol. I eventually got round to sending the V5 back with the amendments and they did it without any issues.

That’s all you do - they don't care.

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