
Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know – If this is my only problem then something must be going wrong.

The surface of some of the external black plastic bodywork trim on my Disco 2, it’s a 2004 “Landmark” have become pitted and rough, apparently it’s due to UV damage.

Does anyone have any idea of how to repair or resurface these trim components please, or is replacement the only viable option?

Thanks in advance guys and gals.
Heatgun ...:eek:

Yes, one of the paint stripper ones ...

You need to practise a bit tho, as it can go south very quickly ...

Distance from object and speed of pass are the critical things ...

and practise some more ... :D
Paint them its the only way tried all sorts of things over the years nothing works not even the heat gun. Painted my wheel arches last Friday looks better than ever now.
Can't you get cans of spray to do this from Halfrauds or your local auto shop? Don't know about filling any pitting but would make it the right colour again.

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