
Have a strange problem, I think :)
Doing the normal checks oil,water etc I find the oil well below low and water about three quarters of a liter from full. Probably done well less than a couple of hundred miles (can't be sure as not clocked milage).
But the exhaust smoke is normal and nothing at all is leaking out. (It's my pet hate so as soon as something starts leaking I get the seal etc fixed).
Is it normal to have to "top up" after the above estimated milage with water and oil or is the engine breathing heavy ?
Mine was guzzling oil at around a litre every 250miles. If it's not leaking out anywhere you may be burning it, although before rebuilding mine it was leaking oil vapour from every orifice. Now it uses far less but I still have a few leaks to contend with.
There is an oil vapour from within the cab...thought that was normal for a land rover lol
I take it that is "normal" and cant be rectified ?

Mine was just a worn out engine. Just went straight for a rebore but can sometimes just need new piston rings, could just be valve stem seals etc. Mine wasn't smoking at all, completely normal exhaust but it was building up so much pressure the engine started to struggle and I was using a lot of oil to keep it topped up. Now I don't smell any engine oil from the cab, just ep90 from all the other leaks...
Oil vapour in the cab is certainly not normal, and very bad for your health. In good fettle, these engines don't use much oil, maybe a litre per 1000 miles in my experience. Worn valve stem seals will certainly allow the engine to burn oil, are usually responsible for black smoke, especially on startup.
oops my bad....i seem to have done a bad reading. Put the dip stick in and out(didnt start engine for a day) and its full.(only put a bit in last time as ran out of oil). I do remember dunking the dip stick loads of times....should i wait for half an hour or so after stopping the engine ?

I would just to make sure all the oil has made it back to the sump. The other thing I found with mine making the oil vapour smell in the cab is that my vent intake duct wasn't sealed properly. Bit of foam in the right joints and it's much better.
oops my bad....i seem to have done a bad reading. Put the dip stick in and out(didnt start engine for a day) and its full.(only put a bit in last time as ran out of oil). I do remember dunking the dip stick loads of times....should i wait for half an hour or so after stopping the engine ?

After using the vehicle,park it up on flat ground,leave it for 15+ minutes,then check the oil,that way,all the oil will have drained back into the sump,giving you the correct reading.
By vents do you mean the two flaps at the front or vent ducting from the heating/cooling fan ?
Cheers all for suggestions...by the looks of things I am not using any oil of significant amount which is nice.
The ducting from the wing to the fan. Mine wasn't sealed at all so any vapours and engine smells could make there way into the cab. I've stuck some draft excluder foam in the joint which works well.
As per above, if the heating fan is able to draw in air from the engine bay, you will get plenty of smelly air. Easily fixed with a replacement foam seal - or duct tape!
After using the vehicle,park it up on flat ground, go make and drink a cuppa tea, then check the oil,that way,all the oil will have drained back into the sump,giving you the correct reading.

You were nearly right ...

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