will be using my daily as a off roader but as when i go off roading there are about 10 of us with all manor of spares. also have breakdown cover. but if it brakes i can take others cars to use for work and such so its not so much of a issue plus working a shift i get 5 days off to fix what ever i break which has been useful
will be using my daily as a off roader but as when i go off roading there are about 10 of us with all manor of spares. also have breakdown cover.
Bear in mind that if you do break down while you're off-road then it's unlikely that any breakdown cover will even consider assisting you when you're stuck in the mud, especially if you're "off piste". You'd be hard pushed to even get LZIR to get you out of the pickies if you're "off-piste", so be warned.
Bear in mind that if you do break down while you're off-road then it's unlikely that any breakdown cover will even consider assisting you when you're stuck in the mud, especially if you're "off piste". You'd be hard pushed to even get LZIR to get you out of the pickies if you're "off-piste", so be warned.

yeah i know but us lot are quite handy so hopefully no major dramas
If you use it as a daily it will wear thin quite quickly especially as you are used to modern kit and if it wears thin then you dont want to play with it at the weekend as the bloody thing needs work doing.
I have a series 2 which was green laned almost every weekend, then bought a 90 as my daily thinking I like driving the series so a 90 would be great and after a few months I found I hardly drove the series as it was much the same as the 90 so what was the point?

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