Tried a few times but have had no reply mate, this is my last resort...

keep PM'ing mate Accy works in some remote places apparently so dosent get online all the time.

Keep PM'ing and he will get ****ed off enough with messages he will either change it or ban you :lol:
Haha banning seems to be the thing at the moment, I'v been trying to contact him since the weekend now so hope to sort something before he gets sick....
Haha banning seems to be the thing at the moment, I'v been trying to contact him since the weekend now so hope to sort something before he gets sick....

go on a couple more aint gonna hurt. :behindsofa:
It's hard enough keeping up with one never mind three buddy, you must have to much time on your hands ha ha...:boom:
Is anyone going to change my user name or what?????:lalala:

Be patient- Accy will do it when he next logs on and has time - as hard as it is for us to understand I do believe it is rummoured that he has a life outside of LZ :eek:

Can I suggest if you go around slightly stamping your feet impatiently and writing change it or what that you may be in for a very looooooong wait :p

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