New Member
Looked through forum and could not find anything

Is there a source or dowload for a P38 1998 User manual (4.6 HSE) ?

I bought a disc from Ebay but it was a workshop manual and it could have been written by Stephen Hawkins for all it meant to me.

I just want a user manual/instructions.

I have the same problem, will let you know if I find anything, the one quoted, LandRover manual download has a network problem


Just received my 1998 RR Owners Hand Book/Manual for LHD, could not say before as it was a return to sender, now I have it.

Try the web site - books4cars.com their based in Seattle US, should have what you are looking for.
Hi,i have a 1997 p38 4.6hse. i will gladly photo copy the user guide if you will cover the costs of ink and paper.
I have been looking for a P38 4.6HSE Owners manual, the only thing online are workshop manuals. I can orde one from Marshalls for £40 but you would think someone somewhere would have scanned one and posted it somewhere wouldnt you?...If anyone has a copy Id love copy too. If you can scan it and email that would be fine. Many thanks....looks like its gonna be £40 hey? lol...wonder if the libaray has one?
JUst wounder if anyone on the site has a owners hand book thatthey could post some info on like what dose all the swiches do?:mad:
maybe put some photos up of the drivers controls seems getting a hand book is near on inposs:confused: I just got a 1995 P38
HDSE and have know idea how or what dose what like how do you get low gears for off roading and is it in 4 wheel drive alway or is there a swich
hleppppppppppmeeeeeeeeee its doing my sweed in:( :confused: :( I'm confused dot Range Rover :D
I've got it downloaded at home (not there at the moment). I can't remember how big it was but I don't think it was massive. PM me your email address and I'll send it over if it's not too big when I get back tomorrow, otherwise I can send it via Skype or something?
how do you get low gears for off roading and is it in 4 wheel drive alway or is there a swich

If it's the auto you have... stop the car put it in N. Move the selector to the left. Wait until the beeping stops, then you can select the low gears on the left.

It's always in 4wd
Try this web site, www.Books4Cars, about $40.00 + PP

My owners manual is for 1998 4.6 HSE-LHD,

"The more you drive them, the more you like them"
Mine keeps me cool, at 45c outside and 25c inside.

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