
New Member
This byway is regularly used by 4x4 vehicles as it presents a challenging drive and enjoys some
spectacular views including, (simultaneously), the Bristol Channel and the Brecon Beacons by
running along the ridge of Hirfynnydd near Glynneath. There have been frequent access problems
over the past couple of years with this route being illegally obstructed on numerous occasions.
There is a 6 month closure period in place with Neath, Port-Talbot Council planning to extend this.
It is apparent that the landowner, (Walters Mining Ltd), is antagonistic towards public use of
public rights of way over this large parcel of mountain & forestry. It is believed that the landowner
is trying to erode public access until the only vehicles that can get onto the land are those
prepared to pay to use the Walters Motorsports Complex. NPT Council appears prepared to roll-
over and allow this to happen.
There is a meeting on Tuesday 2nd Sept at the Dove Centre, Banwen, from 5:30pm until 8pm.
This meeting is to enable members of the public to have their say on planning strategy for the
Dulais & Neath Valleys over the next few years.
It would be entirely appropriate under the areas of leisure, tourism and environment to bring up the
access issues to this leg of Sarn Helen and complain about the closure period - this should be
shortened, not lengthened. If adequate maintenance work was carried out the route there would
not be any need for a 2-seasons closure. 4x4 users have volunteered to assist with maintenance
work but NPT Council insist that this cannot happen due to insurance issues, (other councils get
around this by purchasing special block insurance policies for volunteer workers, it isn't
If you try to bring up Sarn Helen at the meeting, it is entirely possible that the Chairperson may
decline to allow you to speak on the subject or even close the meeting - this type of thing has
happened at previous meetings. They have to be seen to go through the motions of having a
public consultation process but don't actually want any input from members of the public,
particularly where this sort of controversy is concerned, (so come prepared for a scrap). If the
Chair doesn't allow contributions or closes the meeting prematurely there will be grounds for a
formal complaint.
Sarn Helen is up there amongst the best 4x4 routes in the UK, it's a fabulous route for walkers
and mountain bikers. NPT should be proting this route actively and removing barriers to access,
not putting the multi-millionaire landowners interests first! As a Council it has a statutory duty to
ensure access to public rights of way.
To attend the meeting you need to register by phoning Catherine Gadd on 01639-763173. The
notice of this meeting states that you need to register by the 22nd Aug, (it was published on the
28th!) If you're told that it is too late to register, insist upon attending and complain that the public
attendance notice was printed too late.SARN HELEN ROMAN ROAD - BANWEN TO ABERDULAIS
This byway is regularly used by 4x4 vehicles as it presents a challenging drive and enjoys some
spectacular views including, (simultaneously), the Bristol Channel and the Brecon Beacons by
running along the ridge of Hirfynnydd near Glynneath. There have been frequent access problems
over the past couple of years with this route being illegally obstructed on numerous occasions.
There is a 6 month closure period in place with Neath, Port-Talbot Council planning to extend this.
It is apparent that the landowner, (Walters Mining Ltd), is antagonistic towards public use of
public rights of way over this large parcel of mountain & forestry. It is believed that the landowner
is trying to erode public access until the only vehicles that can get onto the land are those
prepared to pay to use the Walters Motorsports Complex. NPT Council appears prepared to roll-
over and allow this to happen.
There is a meeting on Tuesday 2nd Sept at the Dove Centre, Banwen, from 5:30pm until 8pm.
This meeting is to enable members of the public to have their say on planning strategy for the
Dulais & Neath Valleys over the next few years.
It would be entirely appropriate under the areas of leisure, tourism and environment to bring up the
access issues to this leg of Sarn Helen and complain about the closure period - this should be
shortened, not lengthened. If adequate maintenance work was carried out the route there would
not be any need for a 2-seasons closure. 4x4 users have volunteered to assist with maintenance
work but NPT Council insist that this cannot happen due to insurance issues, (other councils get
around this by purchasing special block insurance policies for volunteer workers, it isn't
If you try to bring up Sarn Helen at the meeting, it is entirely possible that the Chairperson may
decline to allow you to speak on the subject or even close the meeting - this type of thing has
happened at previous meetings. They have to be seen to go through the motions of having a
public consultation process but don't actually want any input from members of the public,
particularly where this sort of controversy is concerned, (so come prepared for a scrap). If the
Chair doesn't allow contributions or closes the meeting prematurely there will be grounds for a
formal complaint.
Sarn Helen is up there amongst the best 4x4 routes in the UK, it's a fabulous route for walkers
and mountain bikers. NPT should be proting this route actively and removing barriers to access,
not putting the multi-millionaire landowners interests first! As a Council it has a statutory duty to
ensure access to public rights of way.
To attend the meeting you need to register by phoning Catherine Gadd on 01639-763173. The
notice of this meeting states that you need to register by the 22nd Aug, (it was published on the
28th!) If you're told that it is too late to register, insist upon attending and complain that the public
attendance notice was printed too late.
by the way, you didn't need to write it twice, and the poor lady whos contact details you've posted on an open forum in the middle of the internet... didn't pick up, I'll have to try again in 5 mins. and once every 5 mins after that.

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