Bit late to reply but at work till midnight and was busy with breakdowns :)
If you got AA cover why not get a tech out to have a look?
You never know I might get the job as done a few AA jobs tonight lol
take several metres of wire, a few crimp connectors, insulating tape and tools to remove steering shroud.
Just spoken to Scott, sounds like he has nearly sorted it, and I wouldn't be much use, so I'm going to bed!
Good on you all and particularly Scott for driving over 20 miles at 10.30 to fix it.


I hope yu weren't left out of pocket.

Mudman - your forum needs you to join LZIR.
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Excellent work chaps, when I get the 90 on the road i'll sign up as well.

Just a thought but I pay for RAC cover for my vehicles, SWMBO's car and my motorbike, well, its me and SWMBO thats covered not so much the vehicle.
If the RAC/AA had been called out for this incident would they have been able to sort the problem, or would it have been a recovery home/tow to a garage? To be honest i'd have called them 1st. (I realise Mudman may not be a member of any recovery service other than LZIR)
LZIR is NOT a replacement for recovery service, at owners risk and without warranty implied or given.

Secondly your kettle works I take it, you have basic tools?- no reason to delay joining
Well done folks, result :D

Apologies for disappearing but a thunderstorms taken out my mobile and internet signal :mad:
Another quality rescue well done gentlemen.
hats off to scott.
good to know there's still people that will go out of their way to help well done.

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