Talking of visits....I saw a rare Accywingy post this morning. It wasn't even in Chinese.
you mean people open the e-mithers from the forum?........ i get so fecking many i just block delete them now............ do i wim some moneys>?
Well, according to the machine, he last logged on, on the 19th march last year and has a total of 30 posts. Maybe he really is the ghost of christmas past!! :eek:

pssst. don't go waking the dead.:eek::eek::eek:
Please look as soon as you can. I have received a pm which says I have a virus but, when I opend the 'virus checker' it recommends, it tried to infect me.

Please warn all people about this stupid message.

Alan ... :mad:

Me Too! It said my 'virus' had come from this site. Didn't open it,,just deleated.

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