blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
Message received. Can anyone assist?

LZIR please. No internet so can't post on forum. I'm discovery2td5.
Stuck in hebden bridge trying to help a disabled man whose driven down a lane and is stuck.
RAC unable to assist as slightly off road.
Another message from discovery2td5...

Blown my front diff and don't have diff lock so I'm stuck now. Also my pregnant girlfriend is in the car with me.
Can someone look up who we have near Hebden Bridge on the LZIR map please.

It takes an age on my phone
Come on folks, we've got a member with a blown diff and a pregnant girlfriend stuck trying to help a disabled chap.

I'm on 3g....someone please take a look at the map and list volunteers closest
New message.

Stand down.
Been pulled out by an L200. Mountain rescue on the way for the man as he's recovering from surgery and loosing consciousness.
Thanks for the response guys.
I'll post an update in the morning, just got home and I'm to be at work for 6 :(

Patient is currently in Calderdale Royal after being transported by mountain rescue to an ambulance. Stable but in pain, so at least he's going to be ok. Girlfriend is fine just a little distressed and has an empty stomach from throwing up all night.

Following the "pics or it didn't happen" rule, I'll add them tomorrow. Night all!
Few pics from last night, basically a chap in a saloon with his lad (cant recall make/mpdel) took a wrong turn and went down a tight lane above Hebden Bridge, and carried on going when the track got a bit rough. My mate in his works van went to help and also got stuck so he gave me a call.
I drove over from Halifax and got the van out, unfortunately the car was stuck, really stuck, tried to pull it out and blew the front diff, as Ive not go around to fitting diff lock, I couldn't even drive myself out.
RAC had already been called but couldn't/wouldn't do anything in regards to getting the vehicle out apart from call for another firm. The other firm (in an l200, oh the shame!) pulled me out onto the road
The guy in the car had had an operation the week previous on his back which included it being plated and bolted and was at least 3 hours behind on pain relief (god knows why he was driving). Luckily my girlfriend has studied medicine so was able to assess him and phoned an ambulance whilst passing his medical history on to them as he was passing out.
Paramedics came and requested mountain rescue (despite us asking for it on the original call), police also attended.

Took two mountain rescue 110s to winch the car onto a flat surface so they could remove the driver and carrying him to an ambulance before getting the car back out onto the road as well for another recovery truck.

Left home at 8 to lend a hand for an hour and ended up getting home 5 hours later :(


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Few pics from last night, basically a chap in a saloon with his lad (cant recall make/mpdel) took a wrong turn and went down a tight lane above Hebden Bridge, and carried on going when the track got a bit rough. My mate in his works van went to help and also got stuck so he gave me a call.
I drove over from Halifax and got the van out, unfortunately the car was stuck, really stuck, tried to pull it out and blew the front diff, as Ive not go around to fitting diff lock, I couldn't even drive myself out.
RAC had already been called but couldn't/wouldn't do anything in regards to getting the vehicle out apart from call for another firm. The other firm (in an l200, oh the shame!) pulled me out onto the road
The guy in the car had had an operation the week previous on his back which included it being plated and bolted and was at least 3 hours behind on pain relief (god knows why he was driving). Luckily my girlfriend has studied medicine so was able to assess him and phoned an ambulance whilst passing his medical history on to them as he was passing out.
Paramedics came and requested mountain rescue (despite us asking for it on the original call), police also attended.

Took two mountain rescue 110s to winch the car onto a flat surface so they could remove the driver and carrying him to an ambulance before getting the car back out onto the road as well for another recovery truck.

Left home at 8 to lend a hand for an hour and ended up getting home 5 hours later :(

Good on you for going out your way to help out.

I'm only sorry the response here was a little lack lustre considering that circumstances :(

Glad it all got sorted though.
If yer need peeps to look up the map again, @name tag the regulars from those in the "online list" on the front page, to the fred.
Been a bit out of the loop recently. Had I known I would've turned out. Glad to hear everything/everyone OK in the end.

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