
Active Member
When the wife left for the shops this morning, I asked her to look out for some new work boot socks (you know, those socks for wearing in work boots), but decent quality ones that might last for more than 2 days.
Didn't really expect anything, but lo and behold she comes back with a pack of 3 good quality socks; good thick knit, padded heels & toes etc. £6.50 from that well known gentlemen's outfitters, TK Max. Result.
However, here's the rub. On removing the cardboard wrap with little plastic hanger I noticed that knitted in to the sock is the brand JEEP 4 X 4!!

What to do?? If the offending words were just embroidered on to the sock I could have sent them off to Rick-The-Pick; job sorted.

Is it safe to wear them whilst driving my Rangey?? Will a fault code come up on the dash??
Checked Rave. Couldn't find anything.
Anyone else had the same problem??

P.S. Do Land Rover do socks? Or are they only affordable after 10 years?
P.P.S. Its a '98 4.6 V8
wear them inside out so the logo doesnt show! or wear another pair of thinner socks over the top of them!
Dont be stupid, sod yer rangie that'll go wrong anyway...can you imagine if you were in an accident and rushed to hospital? Think of the shame :eek:
Dont be stupid, sod yer rangie that'll go wrong anyway...can you imagine if you were in an accident and rushed to hospital? Think of the shame :eek:

Oh no. Hadn't thought of the hospital scenario.
Your right, my rangie did go wrong once; but new gas struts on the tailgate and she's been fine ever since.
Do they have L and R on them?:confused: An past girlfriend on mine was confused when she bought nickers from C&A

No L & R unfortunately. I could have pretended it stood for Land Rover. They are the later interchangeable dual foot model sock.
Jeez, I haven't heard that C&A joke for about 20 years (when they went out of business).;)
Dont be stupid, sod yer rangie that'll go wrong anyway...can you imagine if you were in an accident and rushed to hospital? Think of the shame :eek:

Wouldn't worry too much if you're in an accident and taken to hospital, most people call a Range Rover a 'Jeep' anyway!!

Could always try some Tippex, get rid of the 'J' and add 'NOT CH..' to them.

Wouldn't worry too much if you're in an accident and taken to hospital, most people call a Range Rover a 'Jeep' anyway!!

Could always try some Tippex, get rid of the 'J' and add 'NOT CH..' to them.


I would worry. If a doctor can't tell the difference between a Range Rover and a Jeep, I'm not going to trust him with my arse or elbow.:eek:
Can't get black tippex anyway.:D
you could sell the rangey & buy a jeep then all is good:eek::D:D:D

I did consider this. But then I realised that I would have to buy datatek and wammers a jeep as well, just so they could tell me how to fix the damn thing. I haven't done the sums yet but I suspect it might come to more than the price of the socks.:confused:
Simple .... Don't fret !

Just cut out the offending patch and hey presto !!!!

Finally, someone talking sense.
Wish you'd mentioned this earlier. I had to go to work today in me flip flops; and dealing with 6x2 4mt roof joists was just a bit nervy.:tea:

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