
Active Member
Hello all. I'm desperate now.....
1996 disco1 3.9 V8i

my key fob has totally died. let's just say for the purposes of this its non existent. So please no comments about changing the battery etc let's just say it got crushed into a million pieces......

It's the 2 button black lucas fob. I only had one.

Anyway so no key fob at all. can open the doors with the key but obviously without the fob first unlocking and mobilising the ignition I CAN'T START THE BEAST???

I am going to order a replacement one today with a programmer but is there any way whatsoever of mobilising the car without any fob that I can do for the next 4 days before the new fob arrives???
Can u use the internal of he fob and press the plastic bits to open or lock.

If not bypass it.on tdi it ignotion white to fuel solenoid and red to starter relay.

On v8 it mite be the same
All you need to do is enter your emergency access code with the door key, all the info is in the owners handbook, that will override the immobiliser but remember if you re-lock you will have to re-enter the code again.
Cool. Here's to hoping I have the EKA code card??? Haha I'll find out tomorrow after work and let you know
If you do bypass it the hazards will flash all the time the engine is running.

It'll get you home but not much good for daily use.
If you do bypass it the hazards will flash all the time the engine is running.

It'll get you home but not much good for daily use.

How and why? Starting, ignition and fuel injection ECU and spider immobiliser has nothing to do with the hazards, it's not even on the same circuit.
Ive bypassed mine and my hazards dont flash all the time.maybe y9uve trimmed the wrong wire.or nicked it and getting a current through your ignition now if thats the case sending constant power thru hazards
Well here is my code card...... Thanks land rover. How very useful uploadfromtaptalk1436000984986.jpg
I was just about to look at my owners handbook.... and guess what...???

Yep Landrover have done the same to me!! a nice shiny BLANK EKA card !!:rolleyes:

Thankfully, the EKA code had been written down by a previous owner in the handbook ( on the audio page - with the radio security code !! - but at least it is there!)

Thanks for that link - saved for future reference !!
How and why? Starting, ignition and fuel injection ECU and spider immobiliser has nothing to do with the hazards, it's not even on the same circuit.

Not had to do it myself, but was advised that this would happen if I did.
But I managed to get the code so never found out if the info was correct.
Ok so my fob now has a mind of its own. I've been away with work for a week I came home and decided hey what the hell I'll press the button and see what happens. Guess what. It unlocked remotely?????? So I started the engine and off again. Locked and unlocked about 3 times. Then true to form....... nothing it died again. I checked the battery with a multimeter 3.29v. So I thought I'll put in another brand new battery. Still nothing. I checked the voltage to various components on the circuit board and the battery is delivering power around the board. So why does my fob just randomly choose when to work or not

(I also took apart the 2 buttons and cleaned the contacts, checking current flow too)
Never had a fob to pieces so no idea what components are on the circuit board, but I'm guessing either a hairline crack in one of the tracks or a dry joint on one of the components where its soldered to the board, both are easily fixable once found.

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