Top tip is to take the lid off the reservoir......its much easier to see how much fluid is in there then
The pedal has gone from heavy to light but still works prop, just found the resivour empty does this mean a leak etc most likely cause fix etc
I see one person was helpful the others just have no life! Live it?. Yes sorry figure of speech it is hydraulic and just about to check the fluid, any good tips appreciated

I'm getting a bit sick of noobs complaining that their every need isn't being immediately attended to.

Do you think ''I have a problem, i'll get some free advice and bitch about it if people have a sense of humour or poke a bit of fun at me''

Get a grip...this isn't a garage, you aren't paying, so **** off with your attitude.

People were/are here to help, but its also a big social room with many different functions. If you take a bit of time to look around you may realise this.

If all else fails, go and pay then you can bitch to those you're employing.
The reason the peddle feels like it is still working is that it is sprung loaded but if there is no fluid then you are not actually operating the clutch arm.
As for leaks, until you have filled it and bled through you can't tell but for it to be empty then yes there must be one. Luckily bleeding the clutch is dead easy so you should soon identify the problem.

By the way, don't take any notice of the comments.
You asked a perfectly valid question and are correct to expect an honest answer or opinion, a bit of banter is one thing but irelevant abuse for no good reason is another yet some people seem to thrive on it so don't take it to heart. :(
There are plenty of other forums out there, might be worth giving a couple of those a go?:)
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And wait to see if it happens again. If it does then start looking for a leak.
Clutch shouldn't use ANY fluid. Check the unions and if there's no sign of a leak then the seals in the master or slave cylinder are on there way out
Clutch shouldn't use ANY fluid. Check the unions and if there's no sign of a leak then the seals in the master or slave cylinder are on there way out

They shouldn't use any fluid but It's a landie after all and strange things can happen in 'em.
I'm getting a bit sick of noobs complaining that their every need isn't being immediately attended to.

Do you think ''I have a problem, i'll get some free advice and bitch about it if people have a sense of humour or poke a bit of fun at me''

Get a grip...this isn't a garage, you aren't paying, so **** off with your attitude.

People were/are here to help, but its also a big social room with many different functions. If you take a bit of time to look around you may realise this.

If all else fails, go and pay then you can bitch to those you're employing.

And just so you know most here would consider this a fair comment......including myself
I'm getting a bit sick of noobs complaining that their every need isn't being immediately attended to.

Do you think ''I have a problem, i'll get some free advice and bitch about it if people have a sense of humour or poke a bit of fun at me''

Get a grip...this isn't a garage, you aren't paying, so **** off with your attitude.

People were/are here to help, but its also a big social room with many different functions. If you take a bit of time to look around you may realise this.

If all else fails, go and pay then you can bitch to those you're employing.

BRAVO:5biagree::cheer2:Well said M8
Thanks for the good advice it looks that way. Makes me laugh how storm99 has just proved what I said and doesn't even know it. I also notice he is the only one unable to provide any good advice, wonder why?????
Thanks for the good advice it looks that way. Makes me laugh how storm99 has just proved what I said and doesn't even know it. I also notice he is the only one unable to provide any good advice, wonder why?????

Wish I hadn't bothered now.
Thanks for the good advice it looks that way. Makes me laugh how storm99 has just proved what I said and doesn't even know it. I also notice he is the only one unable to provide any good advice, wonder why?????

Now your ****ing me off as well.................nob :mad:
Thanks for the good advice it looks that way. Makes me laugh how storm99 has just proved what I said and doesn't even know it. I also notice he is the only one unable to provide any good advice, wonder why?????

Maybe i overestimated you, i thought you would have had the intelligence and strength to open the reservoir..there was no abuse, just me and barmatt having a bit of banter between us whilst waiting for more info..streuth, some people!
Thanks for the good advice it looks that way. Makes me laugh how storm99 has just proved what I said and doesn't even know it. I also notice he is the only one unable to provide any good advice, wonder why?????

Good evening chief ****wit……that is all
I'm getting a bit sick of noobs complaining that their every need isn't being immediately attended to.

Do you think ''I have a problem, i'll get some free advice and bitch about it if people have a sense of humour or poke a bit of fun at me''

Get a grip...this isn't a garage, you aren't paying, so **** off with your attitude.

People were/are here to help, but its also a big social room with many different functions. If you take a bit of time to look around you may realise this.

If all else fails, go and pay then you can bitch to those you're employing.

Well said storm to be honest you bit ya lip there mate, as I would have told the op to fook off with those sort of remarks:)
There was, and is, a sort of unwritten set of rules for post something, you get the **** taken, you react one way or t'other...but in the end you get help/answer etc.

There has been, I have noticed, and i may be wrong/having my period/not drunk enough...a tendency recently for new members to post and expect instant responses...and a tendency to berate other members for their humour/sarcasm/drunkenness...but these are the blocks lz is built on.

I am the first to admit that the majority of folk here have a far better technical knowledge of land rovers than i do..but the things i know, i know, and i will help out anyone who needs be insulted by someone with 19 posts in a year, all of them self-centred, i find , at best annoying...use the forum, but at least give something back ffs.

Someone once called me the class clown...well, i like i said, its not only a technical forum, its also a social site..i have friends here, and people i have not met but i feel i know and can call on for, or to offer, help, the whole ethos of LZ is about sharing and having a laugh.

Sermon over. Bar open.

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