I have booked Landyfox in tomorrow so that he can be SORN'ed, fixed and MoT'd with a garage that is not a rip-off, and iis run by very good friendsof mine!
This was an appeal for urgent help, I was linked to it, and responded by booking him in to get he works done, MoT'd and everything else!
To say that I am disappointed at this stage would be an understatement!
Still no response, so it will have to wait until Tuesday at the earliest!
I'll speak with the lads this afternoon and apologise for the delay!
It's OK, I can wait until next week!
I spoke with the garage today (over a pint or three), and they are fine until Tuesday afternoon!
I think I must have gone deaf, as I've still not heard anything!
I can wait ... he might have got a promise on and gone off for the weekend!! :p:D:p:D:rolleyes:
Well done OSD, i hope that landyfox has a good reason for not taking you up on your kind offer.Lets not jump to conclusions until he gets back to you with an explanation.

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