
Well-Known Member
Hi all... I appreciate this is a long shot, but here I go....

You will all know I lost my dad last year and then in January of this year I had two small lumps removed from my tummy.... I'm to to under go further surgery in May (double back fusion). Unfortunately, despite trying, I'm seriously struggling to bend to fit new swivel hub seals to my Defender to get it through its MOT... well this morning DVLA turned up to tow it away, they said my new next door neighbours have reported me for having my Defender on a public highway (off street parking) whilst declaring it Sorn with no MOT. They've done this in revenge for my wife reporting them for throwing a brick of the roof of her new car and trying to smash the window because they incorrectly thought she had parked in their spot... theve only been neighbours for 6 months and have reported two other neighbours for noise, one of the neighbours they reported for not finishing pebble glass their grin garden, they claimed it was unsightly, they never once considered that she suffered a stroke 6 weeks earlier.

Anyways, DVLA have given me until Wednesday to have the vehicle fixed or removed. Is there anyone in the North East England (Newcastle area) who would be willing to help me fit these buggers. I appreciate it's a long shot, but I'm hoping that someone in our Land Rover family might be willing and able to help. Many thanks all
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Hi all... I appreciate this is a long shot, but here I go....

You will all know I lost my dad last year and then in January of this year I had two small lumps removed from my tummy.... I'm to to under go further surgery in May (double back fusion). Unfortunately, despite trying, I'm seriously struggling to bend to fit new swivel hub seals to my Defender to get it through its MOT... well this morning DVLA turned up to tow it away, they said my new next door neighbours have reported me for having my Defender on a public highway (off street parking) whilst declaring it Sorn with no MOT. They've done this in revenge for my wife reporting them for throwing a brick of the roof of her new car and trying to smash the window because they incorrectly thought she had parked in their spot... theve only been neighbours for 6 months and have reported two other neighbours for noise, one of the neighbours they reported for not finishing pebble glass their grin garden, they claimed it was unsightly, they never once considered that she suffered a stroke 6 weeks earlier.

Anyways, DVLA have given me until Wednesday to have the vehicle fixed or removed. Is there anyone in the North East England (Newcastle area) who would be willing to help me fit these buggers. I appreciate it's a long shot, but I'm hoping that someone in our Land Rover family might be willing and able to help. Many thanks all

Sounds like you have some cracking neighbours. If it is off street parking then what right do DVLA have?

Too far away for me to be of any help, sorry.
It's classes as public highway still. Unreal aren't they, it's enough to make us seriously think about selling up
It's classes as public highway still. Unreal aren't they, it's enough to make us seriously think about selling up

Man, it is such a terrible thing to have to move out to escape some neighbours but they sound like real dregs of society. Imagine throwing a brick at a car because they thought it was parked in their space!
If you were closer I'd be on it like a bonnet - and I would be happy to re-align your neighbours too.....

Swivel seals etc would take no more than half a day (stuck/rusted bolt dependant).....Hope you get someone near to help you soon, best of luck bud.
Is leaking swivel seals an MOT failure?
I just cleaned the grease off mine before taking it, and it's passed every year.
l'd get them done but l can't find anybody round here who wants to do it.
As above, good clean and fill up with swivel grease and repair it at a better time.
Yeah... it failed MOT on cross member, and slight leaking to swivels, also a little play.

I bought one of Clive's X members which I've welded on, I've also bought new swivel kit, new shims, seals etc with new front discs... I just can't get down on the floor at the minute or strain.

Yeah it's sad there's people like this, we've lived here 20 years almost and get on very well with everyone... just sad that people like this exist
If it failed, you can still drive it to a place with a pre-arranged appointment to get work done - just have to make sure you have it pre-booked for the work to be done.....if they report it, you can then get the plod to confirm with the repairing garage, mechanic etc that the work is being carried out....its da rulez...

Then tell your neighbours to jog on, else you'll have them charged with intimidation, criminal damage, harassment and anti-social behaviour.....or you could just get the local un-washed to give them a bloody good pasting....
Wow I think I'd have said ring the police; when they ask what? for murder. Who's they ask? Theirs!
I'd come help but stuck working :confused:
Hope you get it sorted, or your neighbors spontaneously combust. Either works ;)
Alan I'm stuck with moving it, they've got cctv rigged up, the minute I attempt to move it, they'll call the police

I'm certain that the Police would give you dispensation to move it to a garage to get it repaired. It must be in everyone's interest to get it sorted.

I'm sorry I can't help. I'm no mechanic, too old and fragile and living in Ireland. But, I can't help thinking that if you paid someone to do the work, get the MOT, get legal and then follow Saint.V8's suggestion and call in the local unwashed.

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