yeah i was using that to check the water depths before entering at parts where i was able to get to the side of the water but the last one caught me out further down than i went with the stick

And that Is a lesson that should be noted by all. :)

You said front driveshaft - I was trying to figure out if that was a CV or the transfer case! I'll be there isn't much left after the trip home I bet that sounded interesting. Did it make it or did you have to faff about getting it in difflock - even assuming you can on yours of course.

mine has diff lock but you crawl underneath to do it , luckilly id done it at the start of the lane so she still had drive to the rear when the front snapped , its completely mangled the front axle so its a new axle and power steering pump next weekend ! the whole way home was banging , crunching and now and again locking the wheel up but that stopped after a while when all the bits fell out lol
Yeah it wasnt looking like anyone was going to go help last I saw so good someone did get him. He was getting a right roasting as well because loads of people were accusing him of no road tax. Bloody ridiculous - do they know how long it takes that to update?

this is most likely why they said something ref the tax , the system obviously hasn't updated yet

, the system obviously hasn't updated yet

Providing he had renewed it when it was due ( as above) and has not just renewed it recently, pretty poor system if it does not update after a almost Year. I am surprised there are not letters in the post if that was the case.

Having said that, I check mine after renewing it, and it updates pretty darn quick.

Providing he had renewed it when it was due ( as above) and has not just renewed it recently, pretty poor system if it does not update after a almost Year. I am surprised there are not letters in the post if that was the case.

Having said that, I check mine after renewing it, and it updates pretty darn quick.


the vehicle has only just been purchased mate , so its in process of everything changing , not sure why its had a gap of a year tax tho as previous owner was still using it ??
the vehicle has only just been purchased mate , so its in process of everything changing , not sure why its had a gap of a year tax tho as previous owner was still using it ??

Cool, thought it might be something like that, keep an eye on the .gov website, just in case they do not update it, you never know woth these systems.

Cool, thought it might be something like that, keep an eye on the .gov website, just in case they do not update it, you never know woth these systems.


yeah will do , its taken a while as it is but i had the confirmation so not sure why its miss behaving , i did tax it on the green slip former keeper had to drive it home as missing logbook so may need to do it again if ownership has now transferred
yeah will do , its taken a while as it is but i had the confirmation so not sure why its miss behaving , i did tax it on the green slip former keeper had to drive it home as missing logbook so may need to do it again if ownership has now transferred

If I was you , I would clarify then , because if you as the new keeper have not taxed it in your name then maybe it is not taxed, this new way of doing it is really messed up IMHO. Better to check and waste 5 minutes than get collared for a silly misunderstanding.

If I was you , I would clarify then , because if you as the new keeper have not taxed it in your name then maybe it is not taxed, this new way of doing it is really messed up IMHO. Better to check and waste 5 minutes than get collared for a silly misunderstanding.


5 mins to deal with dvla? lol !

true tho i need to have another look at it

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