
Active Member
Hi using mobile so short post !

I'm stuck on strata Florida , easily assessable but water is an issue , I got through but drowned my engine and ecu , got that sorted by myself and went to look at going around the next water bit but dropped off the side as I forgot I was on the raised bit , front cv joint has gone but should drive home if I can get pulled off the bank and towed through the water ? Any truck with snorkel or winch could help ?
Spoken to @Fez who is close and picked this up on FB. He's prepared to go but doesn't have a snorkel and would really like a 2nd vehicle along.
He's out? I saw this on Bookyface and was just looking for an excuse to go laning this weekend :)

Yep, Fez was already on it via FB when I got hold of him but was good enough to let me know after he got Shaggy out. Not heard anything from Shaggy so assume he limped home ok.
Yep, Fez was already on it via FB when I got hold of him but was good enough to let me know after he got Shaggy out. Not heard anything from Shaggy so assume he limped home ok.

So does that mean we do not get any piccies.....????.

Yep, Fez was already on it via FB when I got hold of him but was good enough to let me know after he got Shaggy out. Not heard anything from Shaggy so assume he limped home ok.
Yeah it wasnt looking like anyone was going to go help last I saw so good someone did get him. He was getting a right roasting as well because loads of people were accusing him of no road tax. Bloody ridiculous - do they know how long it takes that to update?
hiya guys , first of all apologies for the delay and lack of communication , signal troubles for the last 30 hours have been a problem plus i needed to urgently limp the truck to a friends place where theres no signal and now back home as of 5pm today

here are some pictures , looks bad but think carefully before judging , here is a quick explanation

i didnt plan to go laning originally just realised there was a lane nearby with my friend which was stone so thought if we had trouble we could turn around and go back , i was even in clean clothes , trouble started when i entered the water which was shallow then it suddenly dipped over bonnet height , i managed to power most of the way out the other side before my truck died , due to water ingress in airbox and the ECU , i only had a pair of pliers on me but that was enough to get the pipes apart and pull the filter out , i also stripped the ecu out and took the bolts for the cover out with the pliers and sat it just above the exaust manifold to dry out , the truck restarted after an hour or so and was back driving normally , problem i had then was where could i go?

forwards was too deep and so was back the way i came , id seen there were tracks on the side so put my nose up there to see if i could get past without getting stuck , i decided that wasnt possible and due to thinking of how i was going to get out i made a cock up reversing and dropped a wheel off the bank snapping my front driveshaft in the process

luckilly some kind lads came to my aid and after pulling me off the bank and suppliying some black bags i managed to waterproof the ecu enough , i also had a towel with me so used that as an air filter so water would have a barrier rather than going through my intake straight away , it worked with minimal water ingested and no engine damage

i got back out the way i came

now for the pictures

oh and my vehicle is taxed and the indicator was lost during the water crossing , it was fished out and refitted before limping home

strata 1 engine dead.jpg
strata 3 rear stuck.jpg
strata water front.jpg
strata 2 front stuck.jpg
strata 4 rear stuck.jpg
strata snapped cv.jpg
That looks rather epic. Is that the CV joint there that has exploded I'm trying to figure out where that is.
yes mate disco 2s dont have swivels the cvs are exposed so you can see it from the outside that its broken lol , theres not much left of it especially after over 120 road miles !

Is that your wading depth gauge on top of the roof?


yeah i was using that to check the water depths before entering at parts where i was able to get to the side of the water but the last one caught me out further down than i went with the stick
yes mate disco 2s dont have swivels the cvs are exposed so you can see it from the outside that its broken lol , theres not much left of it especially after over 120 road miles !

You said front driveshaft - I was trying to figure out if that was a CV or the transfer case! I'll be there isn't much left after the trip home I bet that sounded interesting. Did it make it or did you have to faff about getting it in difflock - even assuming you can on yours of course.

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