

ODB port might be corroded. Check all clean and not corroded. Then there's the connector behind the A post.

New laptop: if it has Windows 10 on it he can be in a world of pain. Don't use the free software but there's something about getting the port right. @wammers or @Saint.V8 know how it works.
The USB drivers for the USB to Serial adaptor need to be installed first, then plugged in.....check on Device Manager (yes Win10 has device manager) to find out what port number the adaptor is using.

Then open EASUnlockSuite and set the correct port number and should be that simple.
All sortex now guys .i found mick moore landrover specialist ... top bloke unlocked it for free too ... thanks for all your help guys ... note to self ... leave old laptop and softwzre cd in car lol . Thanks again

Sweet, now enjoy the rest of your holiday. I gonna put Mick in the memory banks just in case.:):):)


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