I'd just brought our 2 year old back from Blockbusters to our new house and said to my wife, I think I've just seen a green lane near by, I'll be back in a minuet to bath our new born! Subsiquently got Stuck! Ran back through woods and across fields, phoned friends and the local tractor owner who couldn't help me until the morning... I then drove my wife's car back to the start of the track and walked up to rescue the child seat! I left a note on the dashboard apologising to the ramblers that were sure to write tosser on the bonnet or at worst smash windows and slash tyres! Whilst walking back down the hill with baby seat in arms two SJ410's rolled up towards me - turns out the leader is a local pro - £15000 worth of SJ and two wonderful winches! Got out, got home and only needed to retrieve my wife's car. Her car was down hill of our house - about half a mile of country lane, quiet and unlikely to see anyone so... I pulled an old skateboard out of a packing box! I was just about keeping control of it until a neighbour waved hello while talking to someone I couldn't recognise due to the blur effect... Anyway this momentary loss of concentration cost me the control of my skateboard. A qtr of a mile later and still feeling the eyes of my neighbours on my back , I choose grass as the safest place to launch myself - Two very short skid marks a very long gap followed by my bodies dent!! I've now had a bath and nursing a beer. The Hero in the SJ is attached in case anyone knows him!
what a remarkable stoory. Not bad that, completely stuck to walking around the local area searchin fer help and ringin folk up to getting home ta get yur doris's car (and spam the forum) to be saved by the local SJ hero (15k wow) to then get home again and ride a skateboard and crash then get home have a bath and crack open that beer and post again...........

Help me post @ 1813 GMT
Explanation post @ 2039 GMT

All in 2hours and 26 mins!!!

did ya get stuck on yur drive or summat? :p

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