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Guys need some quick practical advice...

My friend has been looking for a work truck for quite some time.

He's very close to buying a series 111 LWB.

It has a tdi engine and overdrive.

He's driven plenty of defenders and needs to carry good weight in the back sometimes - this vehicle has been modded so carries good weight legally and he intends to turn it into tipper.

He loves the Series 111 looks and is attracted to the charm but hasnt driven one.

As he's stuck in work I said I'd get some advice on here for him.

Is the steering a complete nightmare or is it just bit more effort?

Are the brakes something to worry about when towing etc?

Is the handling/steering really bad or just less refined?

Basically forgetting the increased noise etc which he doesnt care about are they really up to everyday driving - especially for work use with the odd long journey but mostly short and sweet.

Its a really solid one he's looking at - not a drop of rot on the chassis - no past repairs etc - just needs a paint job and he has all the tipping gear.

He's thinking of it as a long long term vehicle and is paying top money as its a cracker, but he's just worried about the actual points above.
Any advice appreciated.
the steering properly set up is nothing to worry about, only difficulty is when manouvering in tight spaces as there's no power assistance

the tdi engine with overdrive makes for a reasonably economical motor but the gearbox may not like the engine and requires constant care/oil, the gearbox won't appreciate continual heavy work/towing with that engine in front of it and will require a rebuild eventually (i've broken three in the last five years behind tdi's)

the brakes are pretty good if set up and working correctly but you may experience fade if there's a lot of downhill or heavy braking, they also need fettling regularly to keep getting the best out of them even if you're NOT towing (i'll guess the one you're looking at is the later servo assisted dual line system)

the handling CAN be "interesting", it's nothing like a modern motor, remember there's no anti roll bar so there's a lot of body roll, this can also be affected by body style/set up, truck cabs or rag tops are generally very light on the back end which can easily induce oversteer in damp conditions (tyre choice can also effect this), remember also that a Series is actually only part time 4x4 and usually only driven in rear wheel drive on the road, my 200tdi 109 and 88" both light the rear tyres up really easily in the damp

remember a Series is only rated to pull 2 imperial tons by rights so don't be thinking you'll be legal with 3.5tonnes gross behind it

also make sure your trailer brakes are in no less than perfect working order, i've had a small hatchback (Clio) on a straight bar push my 88" sideways when the guy i was towing didn't use his brakes as we entered a junction (also had it happen when towing a disco) even though i'd told them how to anticipate braking

on saying all that i've had no other motors for the last 5 or more years, they have to go to work when needed they also take me laning and i'm off to a pub meeting in one of them tonight

most folks though i think only have them as a second car or use them light/no load, personally i don't think they're really up to the job of working hard daily nowadays when you can get more reliable modern vehicles with more comfort and less need to maintain/fettle brakes/gearbox oils etc', remember "when it's broke or being maintained it's not earning"

they really are a love/hate relationship :lol:
Mmmmm never been repaired....thats a big ask re a Series chassis...but I suppose there must be sombody who has a LWB with a Galv chassis as thats what you will need,

They are not like modern trucks...they do need fettling but the 200 engine will make it more reliable....BUT...the gearbox may not be upto the job if putting lots of power through from the 200 it pulling lots of weight,

I,m sure he will find one...I have owned my S3 for 40 years and its never really let me down and its in daily use...but I do keep ontop of maintenance,

Bulkheads need a careful look at as well as the chassis.

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I don't find the lack of power steering a problem,. the thing that gets me most is I keep banging my elbow on the door when making large wheel movements and it never gets less painful :D

can't see the point of paying top dollar for a truck then extensively modding it though.

tdi engine - you don't say which one - should be an enhancement.

even with the engine conversion a series landy in good order and relatively unmolested should increase in value with time.
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according to everything i've heard in various internet arguments the limit is 2 imperial tons according to the Series 3 manual (sometimes even listed on the chassis plate)
He loves the Series 111 looks and is attracted to the charm but hasnt driven one.

As he's stuck in work I said I'd get some advice on here for him.

Is the steering a complete nightmare or is it just bit more effort?

Are the brakes something to worry about when towing etc?

Is the handling/steering really bad or just less refined?

Basically forgetting the increased noise etc which he doesnt care about are they really up to everyday driving - especially for work use with the odd long journey but mostly short and sweet.

Any advice appreciated.

I would say defo have a drive of 1 before buying if it's for regular use! They are a world away from a defender in terms of comfort.

No reason you couldn't use 1 everyday though. A LWB has the turning circle of an oil tanker but if it's been well maintained the brakes should be "adequate ", handling wise they are ok if been looked after but you don't rush anywhere in a series anyway.

Mine is a SWB petrol so more refined and more manoeuvrable. Would I use it as an everyday vehicle? Not a chance!
He won't like to hear this but if weight and towing are required...... Get a Disco for work and a series for fun.
He won't like to hear this but if weight and towing are required...... Get a Disco for work and a series for fun.

Yes I agree. If he wants a tipper its a fender or 130 or whatever if its a daily drive. My s3 was fun but hard work day in. My disco 1 is based on 60's range rover but does feel a generation on; series are really a 40's 50's vehicle at heart. But I still miss my series greatly, it was such a solid workhorse and would go anwhere bar the m4:D well I did once and never again!!!!
Cheers guys. Its actually a 6 wheeler hes looking at. Underneath has either been replaced or kept tucked away as not a single weld and not a single hole. Sellers back in morning so only able to study it in driveway as wife doesn't want it driven until husbands home. It was a tipper and just needs a ram. 1993 rebuilt 200 TDI with 43000 miles on i But its got gearbox from 2A (sellers info). Its still only 4wd not 6. Hes about to spend 4800 on it which I think is top money as although really solid needs complete repaint and interior completely revamped plus new springs both back axles. Its a very cool looking thing with a big load space but he's concerned about braking etc as he wants to haul woodchip etc. I've never driven a series either so thought Id ask you guys as hes relying on me for help but I don't know if they are truly everyday workhorses or not.
Cheers guys. Its actually a 6 wheeler hes looking at. Underneath has either been replaced or kept tucked away as not a single weld and not a single hole. Sellers back in morning so only able to study it in driveway as wife doesn't want it driven until husbands home. It was a tipper and just needs a ram. 1993 rebuilt 200 TDI with 43000 miles on i But its got gearbox from 2A (sellers info). Its still only 4wd not 6. Hes about to spend 4800 on it which I think is top money as although really solid needs complete repaint and interior completely revamped plus new springs both back axles. Its a very cool looking thing with a big load space but he's concerned about braking etc as he wants to haul woodchip etc. I've never driven a series either so thought Id ask you guys as hes relying on me for help but I don't know if they are truly everyday workhorses or not.

I've had Series as everyday working vehicles (and only vehicle) for the last 8 years and often loaded to capacity and towing as well.

If it's got 11" tls brakes then it shouldn't be a problem, both my ambulance and the previous 109 2a will lock up on all four if you want it to.

Looked after it can be as reliable as anything else and given the simplicity your more likely to be able to get home if something does give up.

The gearbox should be able to cope happily enough with a 200tdi in front so long as it's not booted often. Rapidly applied torque will strain them (and snap halfshafts) but it'll take the steadily applied power
My 88" series 3 is my daily, its also my first car :rolleyes:

They can be heavy to drive but God they're fun.

My dad's had a disco and he currently has a TD5 110 and much prefers the experience of driving my 88"
i'd go along with your old man, ive had a few landies at the age of 23 near 24 but i love them.

charm wise apart from a series 1 107 they just cant be beaten. well that and the 2-2a
Well he didn't buy it - close inspection revealed lots of issues - too many - chassis was solid as rock - went over it with mallet from top to bottom. But the engine was overheating - fuel tank was leaking - steering had mind of its own - brakes almost pulled you into hedge - battery was cooking itself - passenger seat fell apart on test drive...list goes on.

But thanks for all the advice

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