Cheers, will have a good look tomorrow- though I guess I shouldn't really do anything until an assessor has been?

Cheers bb :)

Just been trying to get something equivalent to my disco from them as a discourtesy car, but apparently renting a car with a tow bar for use on farm tracks and taking dogs in is almost impossible :(

I thought a double cab 110 would be a good compromise as the dog can go in the pick up, so not really 'in' the car, but they probably won't have one.

They make a big song and dance about minimising disruption, but so far I've been chasing them all morning without success and it turns out that Enterprise renta car closed for the weekend at 12 today.
Wtf is that about!? That's just useless to me, stuck out of town (at home) without transport...

Another word of caution - when I had an insurance claim I was given a Freelander courtesy car, and wasn't offered any other options. The insurance company phoned several times after I had given it back, asking whether I really needed such a vehicle when any cheap little hatchback would have done for transport to work, etc. Basically they wanted me to pay the extra hire cost if I didn't need it. In the end they accepted that I took what was offered in good faith.
the fact your liable for all charges if the insurance company decides for what ever reason you shouldnt have the car or you have it for too long.....

know a few people that have been stung.

they think they are getting a cool car for no reason - the insurance refuses to pay out as its an unreasonable replacements car.
My insurance company offered me a 2 seater so I told them to sod off, then they said don't worry it's an Alfa Spyder not a Smart car:D
Well thankfully no 2 seaters being offered here - waiting for a 110 to be delivered this afternoon :)
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And its here - a shiny new 14 plate 110 - and i don't like it! :eek: :eek:

I prefer my 20 year old disco, and the wife says the same but I was expecting that to be honest..
It just feels like my classic mini, updated and made bigger on the outside, but just cramped on the inside. I guess it's evident roots are what attracts a lot of owners, though it does look good :)
Just a shame it doesn't feel good..

Hmm... Is this the point when I get my head kicked in for dissing a tratter on LZ?!!
And its here - a shiny new 14 plate 110 - and i don't like it! :eek: :eek:

I prefer my 20 year old disco, and the wife says the same but I was expecting that to be honest..
It just feels like my classic mini, updated and made bigger on the outside, but just cramped on the inside. I guess it's evident roots are what attracts a lot of owners, though it does look good :)
Just a shame it doesn't feel good..

Hmm... Is this the point when I get my head kicked in for dissing a tratter on LZ?!!

It's ok, i'm still getting used to my new one, they are quite different! dunt leak or anything! :eek:
It's ok, i'm still getting used to my new one, they are quite different! dunt leak or anything! :eek:

Sounds like yours might be broked, take it back to a dealers they'll fix that for you for a small fee.
Having done a few miles in it today it's grown on me a little, but I can't wait to get back into my D1 :D

The assessor is coming tomorrow morning, so I'll come back from work to see what he says, or am I worrying unnecessarily?
You are with (in my opinion) the best insurer going and I'd be pretty confident that they'll be on your side throughout. I've been with NFU Mutual for years and cannot fault them, ok you pay a bit more but you get what you pay for. Hope it's all sorted soon and your wife gets over it soon ;)
Yep, I think you're spot on there, unfortunately the claim is against Churchill as the other drivers insurers - I'm hoping they're not going to be a huge pain in the balls...
Yep, I think you're spot on there, unfortunately the claim is against Churchill as the other drivers insurers - I'm hoping they're not going to be a huge pain in the balls...

Don't play the insurers game.
Your claim is not against Churchill it's against the other driver. If he wishes to pass the costs onto his insurer then that's his affair.
You want to return to the point just before the other driver hit you, no more and definitely no less.
If Churchill do not agree to fully return your car to the condition it was just before the incident and meet all other reasonable costs and expenses then take the other driver to court. Add all your expenses (including your time, telephone calls, emails etc.) for taking court action on to your costs.
Your insurer should support you in any such actions, that's one of the reasons why you pay them.
Hmm... Food for thought there - not quite how I've thought of it before. playing devils advocate though they should also be supplying me with fuel, as my disco is oil converted, so it costs me about £5 per 100 miles of local driving, until my cheap transport was rendered inoperable at least..

My wife is very optimistic about the insurers sorting everything out, and she doesn't want to make a big fuss, but my view is that we should have minimum disruption to our life because this is no fault of our own, in a similar vein.

We're now arguing (me and wife) about why we should have to buy back the car from the insurer if they write it off and she's insisting that they don't own it if they write it off, even for a value that we send are happy with - she's doing my tits in now... :doh: :doh:

Her argument is "why should they then own our car?" (If they pay out for it being written off) - having had beer I can't argue back with anything sensible. Any ideas?
Hmm... Food for thought there - not quite how I've thought of it before. playing devils advocate though they should also be supplying me with fuel, as my disco is oil converted, so it costs me about £5 per 100 miles of local driving, until my cheap transport was rendered inoperable at least..

My wife is very optimistic about the insurers sorting everything out, and she doesn't want to make a big fuss, but my view is that we should have minimum disruption to our life because this is no fault of our own, in a similar vein.

We're now arguing (me and wife) about why we should have to buy back the car from the insurer if they write it off and she's insisting that they don't own it if they write it off, even for a value that we send are happy with - she's doing my tits in now... :doh: :doh:

Her argument is "why should they then own our car?" (If they pay out for it being written off) - having had beer I can't argue back with anything sensible. Any ideas?

because they give you cash instead of the vehicle. an accident isn't about making money, it's about not losing any.

btw, have you told your current insurers?

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